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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Sorry I couldn't help, been on the DL for a couple days nursing a gout attack, no fun, and the booze don't help. I do read along though.

Ouch, I've been lucky and not have had to deal with gout but had a neighbor once who did.. Hopefully you can get over it soon and get your life back to normal. Did get the shingles once back before they had all this antiviral medication and I hope to God I never get it again.... excruciating pain to say the least.
Yeah its a tough one for sure. I first got it about two years ago and I really don't fit the demographics for it. Even though anyone can get it, there's genetics, diet, nationality, and age that all play a role. Funny thing is, I don't fit into even one of those categories. Alcohol is a big contributor, but it takes more than just booze. Anyway, it sucks, feels like I have a broken ankle and it lasts a couple weeks. I actually have to use crutches.....worst part, no beer! Don't worry, I'll be back!

Decal Dennis

I hit the Mother's load!!


Yep!!! Missouri....the beer and gun loving state:D
Yes I agree Missouri is a gun loving and beer drinking state... It's just that you guys have a better selection and variety of beer.
Seems tho....liquor stores only stock 2- 4 packs at a time of MILF :concern:
Yeah I don't understand that either... Considering how good that particular beer is and how difficult it is to produce unless mothers brewing company sets a limit on how much each package store is able to order. The only other reason I can think why don't stock more than that would be that the sales aren't that good. High alcohol content and the price probably. You remember that not everybody thinks like we do. LOL
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