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What beer ya drinking tonight?

You mean resent instead of resemble...LMAO I need to line up some 5Ks to stay on track...good incentive to keep running..You always feel good afterwards...Damn endorphins....hehe:congrats:
You could consider passing on the 5K, and go straight to the pub crawl! 2 beers 1 stone, I mean birds.....damn this lack if beer is getting to me.


Staff member
You could consider passing on the 5K, and go straight to the pub crawl! 2 beers 1 stone, I mean birds.....damn this lack if beer is getting to me.
Yep on the route today we passed several pubs in downtown Washington MO. In front of one of the pubs I saw a sign advertising a 5K Pub Run, Walk, Crawl.