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What beer ya drinking tonight?


I'd run for a Milf, even with this bad wheel! I'd give it my best...

I'm just one state away and you're all the way out in California... although Mothers Brewing Company may ship beer to California. If I ever get my hands on some MILF I will send you a couple of bottles...
That would be great! I'd greatly repay the favor. I live in San Diego and I recall on the news a few months back that there is something like 190ish breweries here in SD. I still struggle to grasp that. There are some great ones here though.


That would be great! I'd greatly repay the favor. I live in San Diego and I recall on the news a few months back that there is something like 190ish breweries here in SD. I still struggle to grasp that. There are some great ones here though.

I think we have like six or seven microbreweries in Little Rock and that's pretty much the extent of it. I can't begin to fathom 190... Geez it would take you years to sample all the different beers you have available..Now it would probably only take @pawnshopmike a few months to make his way through those breweries to determine what's good and what's not...he's a pro at it....LOL
Yeah, the problem with me is I tend to get stuck on 1 beer for a little while until I crave something different. Out of the 190ish breweries here, I've been to exactly 2 of them, but I've had quite a few beers from the others via the local grocery store.


Staff member
I think we have like six or seven microbreweries in Little Rock and that's pretty much the extent of it. I can't begin to fathom 190... Geez it would take you years to sample all the different beers you have available..Now it would probably only take @pawnshopmike a few months to make his way through those breweries to determine what's good and what's not...he's a pro at it....LOL
Hell Yes! If I lived there I would die trying.:lol2:


Staff member
Made a pit stop on my way home tonight cause I was getting low.


Staff member
One day last week I picked up a four pack of Boulevard Calling IPA. It's a good beer, but NOT worth the money. After tax it was over $14 bucks for a four pack. Myrcenary is 100 times better. Stronger too. I'd say this Calling is comparable to Sam Adams Rebel IPA. But twice the price! No thank you. I won't be buying it again.


One day last week I picked up a four pack of Boulevard Calling IPA. It's a good beer, but NOT worth the money. After tax it was over $14 bucks for a four pack. Myrcenary is 100 times better. Stronger too. I'd say this Calling is comparable to Sam Adams Rebel IPA. But twice the price! No thank you. I won't be buying it again.
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Thanks for the heads up...I got one also that doesn't measure to to our unique savor standards...price isn't an issue just seems overly bitter and leaves an after taste...got to get some Guinness to rinse my buds...now I know why those wine tasters rinse and spit often..to get that previous sh*t out of your mouth...
OB IPA.jpg