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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Staff member
I broke out a bottle of the good stuff tonight.:cheers:



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Still not a 100% but well enough to get back to an evening beer or 2. Rummaging through my garage fridge and I find a couple of mass producers brand IPA's that friends have brought over. Nothing that I would buy but it's the thought that counts. But suddenly way in the back I spot a Ballast Point Skulpin. And another. Excellent! My evening improves immediately.


Staff member
Still not a 100% but well enough to get back to an evening beer or 2. Rummaging through my garage fridge and I find a couple of mass producers brand IPA's that friends have brought over. Nothing that I would buy but it's the thought that counts. But suddenly way in the back I spot a Ballast Point Skulpin. And another. Excellent! My evening improves immediately.


Staff member
Sam Adams Rebel IPA for me tonight. Not the best IPA but it was the best Walmart had in stock this evening. And I was in a hurry to get home so I didn't feel like making a detour to the liquor store. I'll just have to suffer through.:p