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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Having some more of my Guinness this evening, things are finally getting back to normal around here after the storm. They put a temporary wall up on the T-hangars until they get new and improved doors built. The wall that tried to collapse on the larger corporate hangar is braced for now and will get replaced.

Best thing to come out of this is the house is getting a new roof and completely new plumbing, the hangar that my model shop is in is getting the walls re-skinned and new gutters (which will hopefully keep it from flooding in just a light rain) all paid for by the insurance company.

All in all we were lucky! But things are finally calming down so I want another beer, hopefully I can sleep tonight! :)


Staff member
Finished off the last of my Odell's Double Black IPA tonight then started hitting some home brew that a friend of mine made.
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GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Drove to my wife's alma mater (Clemson) today and tailgated some before the spring football game. Also did some bar hopping and one of the great bars there had Skulpin IPA. I couldn't believe it. Yummy.