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What beer ya drinking tonight?


Staff member
This Mikey would like too if he could ever get his hands on one..LOL I see you drink Modelo Negra...love that beer. Do you also like the Especial?
Yes, the Especial is a good brew too.

If you want to try the Rye Home Brew, just stop by the house one day. I'll fix you up! Just don't wait too long, or I might drink it all before you get here:p


If you want to try the Rye Home Brew, just stop by the house one day. I'll fix you up! Just don't wait too long, or I might drink it all before you get here:p

Man I'd love to and maybe some day we'll make that happen...

In the mean time I picked up a variety pack to get me through the weekend...had them all but the Ale...Went to dinner last night with my youngest son and he ordered that Sam Adams Rebel IPA and let me taste it and I really liked that one. Different and bold but not bitter like I thought it would be...


Not bad and I believe it was already posted...kinda weak on the alcohol though...have to drink quite a bit to get a mood altering affect....


Staff member
Not bad and I believe it was already posted...kinda weak on the alcohol though...have to drink quite a bit to get a mood altering affect....
Man I'd love to and maybe some day we'll make that happen...

In the mean time I picked up a variety pack to get me through the weekend...had them all but the Ale...Went to dinner last night with my youngest son and he ordered that Sam Adams Rebel IPA and let me taste it and I really liked that one. Different and bold but not bitter like I thought it would be...
Mike, I'm not seeing pics.
Just question marks for some reason. What are the pics of?


Mike, I'm not seeing pics.
Just question marks for some reason. What are the pics of?

The top pic is Goose Island Honkers Ale and the bottom one is a Sam Adams variety pack..humm are you using your I-pad with Tapatalk? If so I've had trouble seeing pics also especially on my Android...