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What beer ya drinking tonight?

Decal Dennis

At IMO's pizza


Staff member
That Shock Top Lemon Shandy taste like crap. And when I say crap, I mean it taste just like lemonade :confused: Good thing I had that Rolling Rock to wash it down! Imo's has awesome pizza. But they really need to improve their beer selection. At the house now drinking some Long Hammer IPA. Much better now.


That Shock Top Lemon Shandy taste like crap. And when I say crap, I mean it taste just like lemonade :confused:

Damn two heads up back to back...one must check this thread before trying a new brew...The only Shock Top Mohawk Orange one I've had was at the local bar...found out later it's a favorite of the ladies or at least that was what the girls told me...I'm not a fan of lemonade anyway so I probably wouldn't have tried that one.


Staff member
The last two night I've been drinking some homemade stout that a friend of mine made. It has great flavor, but like all home brews I've ever had, it lacks body. Sorta like drinking flavored water. Hopefully he will figure out a way to build some body in his future batches.
My first home-brew was like that many years ago. Wasn't too motivated to continue. Once I got into the grains mine compete with any breweries out there. Now I brew all grain and make my own recipes etc. Just takes a little practice.

Decal Dennis

The last two night I've been drinking some homemade stout that a friend of mine made. It has great flavor, but like all home brews I've ever had, it lacks body. Sorta like drinking flavored water. Hopefully he will figure out a way to build some body in his future batches.

When are we turning half the hanger into a micro brewery? :)