i think i will just buy more batteries for my 60'' birds then lol.It clearly has not been a good seller. They give one away at all the FLIs in the raffle. I am personally waiting for the new AJ Extra 260 to find a home for my 51 slick gear.
AJ Extra 260? didn't know he was doing and extra as well
is this plane being discontinued? I wonder how long it will be on sale for. Thinking about picking one up next week to replace my beat up 51 slick. but I do not want to buy it and not be able to get any replacement parts.
I asked at WRAM and their comment was it just wasn't selling and so they were thinning inventory. it was unclear if they would be reordering. people don't think of Bipes when they look at 3D even though some great full size is Bipes
I asked at WRAM and their comment was it just wasn't selling and so they were thinning inventory. it was unclear if they would be reordering. people don't think of Bipes when they look at 3D even though some great full size is Bipes
They seem to have gotten the reputation of being a bit on the difficult side to fly. I may have to pick one up to see if it's true.If I can keep it in the air, it can't be too hard to fly!