New member, but been flyin' 3dhs and others for about 4 yrs. now. Long time member on RCG/RCU. Just found out from Ryan M about the this forum and the "big sale" tonight, so I thought I would sign in and say hi to all the 3dhs bros! Look like a great forum full of info! Thanks Ryan M for pointing me in the right direction, Dale
Been flying a little over two years. Have a 42" slick, Newly aquired 71" slick and a AW Pitts Python Gasser along with numerous slimers I rarely fly any more. By no means a pro at 3d'ing but am rapidly progressing.:thumbup:
Hi all, Boomhauer here from Arkansas. I finally made it to this awesome Forum.
It looks like checking in here is customary so I don't want to beak any rules.
For those that listen to TheCrashCast, you know my story and my background in RC, but I'll summarize a little here for those that are podcast challenged like I was until just a couple months ago.
I started in RC back in 2005 and have been hooked ever since. I took a small break for about 8 months because I got burnt out on it and had to take a break. I really enjoy the sport of RC and I try to do my best to promote model aviation. I even took a spin at heading up the AMA Leader Members as the chair person, and really enjoyed working with the great folks at AMA, I had to drop out for personal reasons. Now I am focusing on the WAA-08 adventure and the building clinics I am hosting on another forum. I really like to build and actually prefer to build more than fly, but am trying to improve my skils by getting my first true 3D plane which I will be doing a build thread on this forum shortly.
Speaking of other forums, my username is much longer on the other ones and starts with a "M". I wanted to use my first name over there, but it was taken by another Frank way back in 2001 and hasn't been used since 2002 I believe. But I guess they never retire usernames over there.And I'm not sure how much longer I'll be posting there since it looks like I have unintentionaly upset the new mod there and may be on borrowed time. Another
But I am glad to be here because I believe promoting model aviation is important and we cannot share too much information about out sport. Thanks again for making this forum and I hope I can help out and be a productive member.
It looks like checking in here is customary so I don't want to beak any rules.
For those that listen to TheCrashCast, you know my story and my background in RC, but I'll summarize a little here for those that are podcast challenged like I was until just a couple months ago.
I started in RC back in 2005 and have been hooked ever since. I took a small break for about 8 months because I got burnt out on it and had to take a break. I really enjoy the sport of RC and I try to do my best to promote model aviation. I even took a spin at heading up the AMA Leader Members as the chair person, and really enjoyed working with the great folks at AMA, I had to drop out for personal reasons. Now I am focusing on the WAA-08 adventure and the building clinics I am hosting on another forum. I really like to build and actually prefer to build more than fly, but am trying to improve my skils by getting my first true 3D plane which I will be doing a build thread on this forum shortly.
Speaking of other forums, my username is much longer on the other ones and starts with a "M". I wanted to use my first name over there, but it was taken by another Frank way back in 2001 and hasn't been used since 2002 I believe. But I guess they never retire usernames over there.And I'm not sure how much longer I'll be posting there since it looks like I have unintentionaly upset the new mod there and may be on borrowed time. Another
But I am glad to be here because I believe promoting model aviation is important and we cannot share too much information about out sport. Thanks again for making this forum and I hope I can help out and be a productive member.