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But will it pull out of a flat spin???


LOL! Ouch! Low blow. Actually, we did many flat spins. We did some cross control accelerated spins as well to really wrap it up. The recovery is pretty simple and scale. Power to idle, controls to neutral and apply just a touch of opposite rudder. Stopped pretty quick. We did one and let it rotate several times then went full throttle and held a little up elevator. The spin slowed but continued. This was with the 78" wing. It will wrap up into a pretty sick knife edge spin too. The rolling harriers still impressed me. I was able to do them nice and slow with mild inputs and it rolled very axial. Not something you normally see in a high wing aerobat.


Sorry guys....didn't mean it to be a low blow..... I had heard that the previous BIGFOOT that crashed, did, due to getting into a non-recoverable flat spin....meant no insult to anybody.....

Rob...if your 119" crashed during a flat spin, I'm sorry... I really am!! However, I was not referring to your plane, but to the first Biggfoot that crashed......



LOL! Ouch! Low blow. Actually, we did many flat spins. We did some cross control accelerated spins as well to really wrap it up. The recovery is pretty simple and scale. Power to idle, controls to neutral and apply just a touch of opposite rudder. Stopped pretty quick. We did one and let it rotate several times then went full throttle and held a little up elevator. The spin slowed but continued. This was with the 76" wing. It will wrap up into a pretty sick knife edge spin too. The rolling harriers still impressed me. I was able to do them nice and slow with mild inputs and it rolled very axial. Not something you normally see in a high wing aerobat.

are there other wing sizes than 76"?
Sorry guys....didn't mean it to be a low blow..... I had hear that the previous BIGFOOT that crashed, did, due to getting into a non-recoverable flat spin....


Arron himself admitted what happened, he was used to our normal 3DHS planes and what we need to do with them to get them out of a flat spin, as compared with what you would do with a "normal" plane. Once he realize what he needed to do, he was out of that important commodity .... altitude!
Sorry guys....didn't mean it to be a low blow..... I had hear that the previous BIGFOOT that crashed, did, due to getting into a non-recoverable flat spin....meant no insult to anybody.....

Rob...if your 119" crashed during a flat spin, I'm sorry... I really am!! However, I was not referring to your plane, but to the first Biggfoot that crashed......

I replied to your PM but wanted to clear it here as well, no, the 119 died in a dead stick rolling harrier. The "Low Blow/Ouch" was led with a LOL, so no offense taken on my end. The flat spin has caused some death in the Bigfoot world. I took it as a joke. For the record, we spun Josh's repeatedly because of the previous crash. We were wanting to know if it would keep spinning if different recovery methods were applied and actually had a few of them keep the spin going, just like a full scale would. The best method was, of all things, to recover just like a full scale. Neutral elevator and ailerons, power to idle, a touch of opposite rudder. Worked every time. ;)

are there other wing sizes than 76"?
I believe the latest version wing is 80". Not sure it's dead on 80". Might be an inch or two more, but is at least 80". I'm not in the loop on the design tweaks going on, but it's no secrect that they are testing a wing with a tad more span. And my previous post was a typo. It is a 78" wing on Josh's, not 76".

Blucor Basher

Currently testing approx 84".

I showed everyone how well it recovered from spins at Cape Girardeau, wonder why that didn't make the news?
Niiiiccccccccceeee !!! :D RoB, is that firefighter on the ceLL ? ;)

Indeed it is. And no lie, he was doing one stick rifle rolling circles at the time. Sadly, he wasn't talented enough to pull his shorts back up while night flying a 104" Slick. That'll teach him to hack my Facebook account ever again, or at least wear a better belt if he does. :D


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