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3DHS 70" Velox


After some more flights and getting comfy with the Velox, I would say the 20 is awesome. Pulls out of a hover very nice and is just a fuel miser, I think I am going to bump my timer up to 15 minutes next time out.
Here is a little pic from our club fun fly yesterday.


Ok, I think it's time to start the process of talking myself into admitting that I have deserved an expensive toy... :)


New to GSN!
Hey!! Perfect timing...

I just got my new 70" Velox maidened today. Mintor 22cc. Brand new engine so cowl will stay off thill she's tuned a little better. My first gasser so I need to do some reading for sure. I flew it with the needle settings out of the box and it did OK but definitely needs some tweaking. This plane flew perfect. First time ever I didn't have to add any trim on a maiden.






Cool! I'll probably be right behind you... I'm planning on starting the build later this fall. Is that the stock motor mount our did you have to get a 3rd party one?


I am putting a motor similar to this (this is an A60-6XS)in mine......I was going to put this one in, but I found out that Hacker came out with a higher KV version of it,(A60-5S) so now I won't have to run a 20" prop on it. This is also the motor mount I designed. A friend made the backplate for me on his CNC mill, and I made the stand-offs



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New to GSN!
Cool! I'll probably be right behind you... I'm planning on starting the build later this fall. Is that the stock motor mount our did you have to get a 3rd party one?

Hey Swede. That is the stock motor mount that came with kit. I did have to modify it a little as it wasn't quite wide enough to accomodate the Mintor. I simply elongated the mounting holes a little and it works great now. I believe this mount is actually meant for a glow set-up but seems to be working fine for the Mintor. Have about 20 flights so far and no problems from mount. I'm REALLY liking this plane flies like a dream and the 22cc is definitely enough. I can't hover so I don't know how it would pull out etc. but this set-up has almost unlimited vertical.

Here it is all finished up and the cowl on. Dang she's pretty!!


Guys l flew velox today. Wow just wow. That thing is amazing. Super stable hovers and harriers. Plus it will tumble pretty good too. My brother maidened the plane and l got the second flight. The plane still hasn't been trimmed yet :D. I really like it. Will get more flights in this weekend. Only got video of my brothers flight. Ran out of room on his phone for mine:(
The only disappointing thing was the cowl doesn't line up well. I have to fix that. No buggy though as its only a few minute fix.

Will give you all a better flight report with video his weekend.


GSN Contributor
Glad you liked it Matt! It's definitely on my radar for my next quarter scale purchase.