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Wattaplane/Skywing 48" EPP/PLY hybrid Slick

You're the first person to say that about the solars. Were they the digitals or the A107 analog ?
A few guys weren't happy with the A107s, they're better suited for a small profile plane.

So, I wasn't happy with the way the canopy looked silver, so I shot it black, also didn't care for all the white on the belly, so I dressed that up a little too.

Better pic of the canopy, and of the belly paint below ( I just duplicated the design from the wing bottom on the fuse belly)


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GSN Contributor
Yeah, they were the same ones, the D654s, I tried using them on my 48" Super Vyper, and they weren't up to the task.



70cc twin V2
Yeah, they were the same ones, the D654s, I tried using them on my 48" Super Vyper, and they weren't up to the task.


I'll second Gary here. I had some on a 48 ef edge and hated them. Sold them to a local and he hated them as well for basic sport flying. Too Inconsistent for me, and I'm usually not picky about smaller servos but I just never liked them for some reason. Went back to hs65mg and 85mg to save the headache.
I have the A107's in my EPP 40" 3DHS edge and they are a great servo. Only issue I have had is the roll rate at high speed but I believe the consensus on that is the lack of an extra hinge or two on the ailerons. At 75% stick and lower it is fine though. Those full throttle rolls can be tricky though. I have 4 of the D654's but have not put them in a plane yet because of all the reports I have heard about them not being up to the task. They might have to get tested in my next EPP full fuse plane.
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70cc twin V2
Speaking of solar servos I have some d654s on my elevator and ailerons on my 48 edge. Was using one on the rudder too but it wasn't up to the task there at all it got replaced with a hs85mg. Planning on putting solars in the 42 slick I just ordered as well. And using the a107s in my 40 epp. Haven't had any issues at all with them. Maybe I just got lucky. Lol.

Haven't had any centering issues and I think my rudder issue was related to needing to use the long 3dhs servo arm to get enough throw derating the servo torque some. For $8 each I am happy. :)


really interested in the review on the wattaplanes. was about ready to drop $$$ on their edge till i heard about the slicks coming out a few weeks back. been alot of chatter about their planes.
Well, I was one of the first ones to receive this plane from China, and will probably be last to fly it.

This weather is KILLING me....18" of snow coming my way

