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Playing With Artwork (just some ideas)


Hey guys, some of you may know I do graphic artwork. Today I was messing around with the forums logo, psst.. don't mind the colors, my 6 year old loves Pink and Purple and was "helping me".

This is what I came up with so far. It is a transparent background so it will go on any plane and that color covering will come though. I know the original plane is a gold/yellow sunburst , however we are just playing here. I also made the plane logo 3D (just a little), and gave it come depth so it pops a little more. Then the URL at the bottom with a oval to tie it together.

Again the colors are just for layout purposes. Tell me what you think.



Thanks guys, still quite a bit to do, this is just a concept. Before I move forward and do a final version, I just wanted to hear from some of you guys. I'll wait to finish until hear from [MENTION=2643]3DMIKE[/MENTION] and [MENTION=2466]Superstocktx[/MENTION] and who ever else wants to give feedback.

Again thanks


640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks guys, still quite a bit to do, this is just a concept. Before I move forward and do a final version, I just wanted to hear from some of you guys. I'll wait to finish until hear from @3DMIKE and @Superstocktx and who ever else wants to give feedback.

Again thanks

I will only respond if you will send me one! LOL I love it man. Looks awesome. I will put in my 2 cents and say I'm not crazy about the font for the www.3drcforums.com but I'm only one guy and as I know and you know opinions are like bum holes… everyone has one and they all stink! LOL


640cc Uber Pimp
And btw I think it's great you were designing with your little one! Thats a great dad right there!

Decal Dennis

Looks awesome [MENTION=3014]AKfreak[/MENTION]

I'll post mine in a bit. I'd say between me and AK we'll have an awesome logo for 3DRCF!

Decal Dennis

Here is my contribution...whatcha guy think? [MENTION=2643]3DMIKE[/MENTION] [MENTION=3014]AKfreak[/MENTION]


  • 3DRCF logo.jpg
    3DRCF logo.jpg
    646.1 KB · Views: 282


I think it looks cool. Will your cutter do a die cut? That is to say if I made an outline, will the cutter cut the clear decal in any shape? I

I see my logo on a clear detail, cut in to an oval and then the plane protruding in the corner. It will need a little boarder so the drop shadow won't get cut away.

I'll finish my design and add the outline cut.