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IMAC PAU Extra Build 105" assembly

Rusty 73

Well i have been following a couple of building threads and thought i should one for the newest PAU Extra that was released last March 2016.

Rusty 73

This pictures ofthe belly where i had to make an extra set of hole for the pipes to exit the fuse


The motor mount is .80" of plywood to absorb some vibration and also increase the nose weight as this version is tail heavy!


A few pictures of


  • IMG_2593 2.jpg
    IMG_2593 2.jpg
    189.6 KB · Views: 731

Rusty 73

I'm using a DA 120 that has only twenty or so runs on it along with Planebenders medium pipes for some extra uoline power.

Rusty 73

Some more photos of the turtle deck which i attached the canopy yesterday with Goop glue .
I just removed the taped this morning and looks good with not too much glue that seeped out from the edges.



You will notice that the paint lines on the canopy didn't line up with the fuselage it was alot better aligned on the left .

Guess this is what happen when you get one of the first airframe from the first container. I'm not pleased with this but ......

Rusty 73

Got this pilot figure from G-force Aircraft design (Spain) which is a 25% scale pilot that only weighs 2.1 oz or 59.5 grams moulded out of fibreglass .

The dashboard is from Carden Aircraft , again thanks to Orthobird for the help with this :shake:

Orthobird help pointted me towards both of these products which are very low weight with great detail compared with other opitions out there which weight a lot more for the same size and are much harder too install.

Rusty 73

Here's what the construction of the exhaust- tuned pipes looks like . Only got the first bracket which is at thereat of the pipe tunnel , it was quite hard to get those nuts threaded in those 6-32 bolts . Had to reinforce the floor with some 3/16 plywood for mounting points on the pipes ...



Talk with Orthobird and Dave Sulliavan of Plane Bender about the header length and if the MTW header length, which is eleven and half inches ,was a good starting point for this DA 120 . The consensus was to leave the length along and adjust the needles accordingly for a smooth transition from the bottom end into the midrange .

Greatly appreciate the helpful input from fourm members and others:way_to_go: who have run this type of setup .Thanks .

Larry B

70cc twin V2
looking good! I put a 50cc PAU Edge 540T together just to get my "feet wet" flying some IMAC and it is a great flying model. I'll bet you will really like your PAU if it flies anything like my smaller one does. Everybody says the Extra is a better IMAC model than the Edge, I'll be looking forward to your flight report.
Keep up the good work,
Larry B:way_to_go:

Rusty 73

looking good! I put a 50cc PAU Edge 540T together just to get my "feet wet" flying some IMAC and it is a great flying model. I'll bet you will really like your PAU if it flies anything like my smaller one does. Everybody says the Extra is a better IMAC model than the Edge, I'll be looking forward to your flight report.
Keep up the good work,
Larry B:way_to_go:

I have a 3DHS Extra SHP with a DA 60 with a canister and it flys very good this is my warm up plane for the last couple of years .
I have heard nothing but good things on how PAU planes have flown , the Edge seems to land at a slower speed than most Extras which i find odd.

I'm like you getting my fingers back into good flying shape so i can tackle the intermediate iMac squence with this 35% PAU .
These larger aircraft fly easier but more money to fund it properly comes with the game .
Will keep you posted as i get the bird Flying.