After doing some video watching of how to properly balance two servos , a video Terry Customs did last year .

He was using his PAU Viper as the demonstration for this video which i found to be very helpful , thanks Terry Customs .

What i did notice was that he used Dubro ball links and used the metal base of the PAU hardware for making this unit .
I found out that the thread in the base yoke are 3M not 4-40 thread so I used these Secraft ball links instead of the metal ones provided .
In this picture notice how thin the metal is at the rear where the bushing sits into , so this was an issue that could have failed sooner than later, so in goes the Secraft ball joints instead of the PAU joints
I also had to use a longer 3M bolt which is 16mm long so it would lock the washer into the thread lock .
Just the small stuff require to make things work smoothly

and a lot of spare parts.

The conical spacer fits nicly into where the counter sunk screw went before , i'm using the metal yoke .
The 1.5" arm with ball joint waiting for finally assembly and hardware from Amain hobbies .
I have some Jr grommets to replace the soft MKS ones that come with the servos . It's been noted by other MKS users that they have an issue with the servo not staying centred . The servo movement in the rubber spacers is enough to reset your trim during a flight , Jr has a much firmer gromment that fit into the eyelets of the MKS servos . I measured my savox 1230 eyelets and they are the same diameter as the MKS eyelets so off i go spending more money to fix an
ISSUE that MKS should have figured out from their factory Flyers like Jase Dussia .
Also discover that the
small bolt which goes into the shaft and holds the control arm on to the MKS 599 is metric, 2.5M fits into the threads nicely and with a socket head you get more metal contact .
Sorry for venting about these small issues it but i guess it comes with the assembly process of an ARF .