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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


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Made some progress on the plane. Things are starting to come together. On the 78 inch Typhoon from Aerobeez.
Got the choke mechanism in and the throttle servo mounted right above above the choke.
Installed the tubes for tuning the motor without having to remove the cowl
The canister is in and mounted and in the correct position to hook up to the header.


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Finally!! Got the engine back on the nose of the Aerobeez Extra. She's looking nearly airworthy now!!!


Fuel tank and plumbing went back in too.


She's looking nearly flight ready.


I just have a handful of things left to do, first of which is to get the throttle/choke servos mounted up. I have some 4-40 rod and carbon sleeve coming so I can make some pushrods long enough to get good geometry with the throttle servos (choke I'm not really concerned with). Then it's just mount the ignition, cut the cowl for the mufflers, baffle the engine, and last but also the scariest is repairing the wing tip.

I was delighted to see the inside of the wing has plenty of strength thanks to a pair of 1/4" carbon longerons, top and bottom. This thing should take plenty of abuse. All materials I need to finish this thing have been ordered up.