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Sport Design Build


Elevator control rods. Activated by two 8411 Jr servos


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Been working on the Cowl plug, Getting closer to being completed still have to cut out the air inlets and the radiator inlet.


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I like 'em "BIG"!
Thanks for the replys, My favorite Is the Waco UPF7. I have a 1/3 scale of it. I have been working on this monster for about 6 months. from drawing design to what you see here. engine is ether going to be DLE170 or DLE 222 depending on nose weight needed. It's not and Ultimate in the back ground. Miles Reed Weeks Solution X 100" wing span.;)
195"? Ah yeah! Now that is what I'm talkin' 'bout. Love me some big planes. Just an opinion here. The DLE 170 will probably do a good job on this Behemoth bird. Have yet to see a DLE engine perform less than adequately. And more times, far above most expectations. But, (here's the opinion) If you can make the quad happen, I say do it. The extra weight (especially for a plane of this caliber) is a small price to pay in exchange for the massive cool factor they offer. Granted, a little more setup and baffling. But well worth it. Love my "dub" 212 quad. My son has a 222 on his 43% Edge. Talk about a swiss watch! Go for the quad!
Glad you're back at the building table. Looking forward to more really "BIG" plane building.