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DA diaphragm vent questions and methids


40% happier than most folks.
The diaphragm vent on the DA's, manual states to run it to " static" air, the closest static air would be the radio compartment or interior of motor box. Anybody actually do this step? And if so, what does the difference make? Have 3 Da's and have done this to none of them, just wonder what you guys do .. If anything, thanks, Brian


Damn I'm hungry
Jesus, " METHODS" , where's auto correct when you freaking need it !!!
LOL. Just go back and EDIT. I will get you a pic what I do....give me a couple minutes.


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Damn I'm hungry
This works really well but just having a angled fuel nipple hanging down away from inline direct air flow should work fine too.


640cc Uber Pimp
What I've done in the past (thought I had pics but can't find them right now) is to sold the hole closed if it is not in the center of the diaphragm cover. Then drill a hole in the center and tap it to accept a 90 degree glow fuel pressure fitting (point down). Turn that in with loctite and grind off flush with the inside. Then get a length of tygon tubing and a 1" section of 1/8" brass tubing. Use a tube bender to bend the brass tubing to 90 degrees. Put a drop of oil in the tybon tubing and push the bent brass tubing into the middle using an allen wrench. What you basically have now is a piece of tygon tubing with a 90 degree bend in it. Cut each end so one that one end fits on the pressure fitting and the other end stops about 3/8" from the open choke plate on the carb.

I'll see if I can find a pic, but hope this makes sense. Dimes' method works and looks great as well.


40% happier than most folks.
I can picture it in my head... I think.
I was wondering if anyone ever ran the thing all the way to the motor box or if it loses static pressure if ran over " X " length.
I usually make something a lot like your taking about but a short section of 1/8 aluminum tube in a 90.


70cc twin V2
Sometimes, with certain cowl configurations, you may need to run it in to the fuse. If there is no problem, there is no need to do it.


40% happier than most folks.
Thank you pistol, thinking I'm going to go that way this time myself. Makes sense, and easy to remove .