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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Lucky shot.
I actually flew something other than my Blade 180 today! Sadly, it wasn't an airplane. Felt good to get out in some decent weather and get more time on my 700 class heli. I did a motor pinion change, as the temps were really high on the motor can and ESC. The changes worked well!


"Cool Guy"
Great weekend all around, spent time with friends, having some micro brews, and some final assembly of my new girl, Sat., didn't finish her, because the frosty adult beverages won out. I'll have to refer to @emtp275 to the flavors we were drinking, but whatever that devil crap was, it's dangerous. On to the good stuff, woke up this morn, and headed to field, put a few planes together, and away we went, my friend Herb, and I banged out several flights on buddy box, (shew we are rusty) some socializing, lots of sun, and lots of fun. Gonna give it another go tomorrow, for some late eve flying, if weather will play nice.


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640cc Uber Pimp
It was nice enough to fly and I could not pass it up. Sounds pretty lame compared to @ChickenBalls weekend but I got four flights in and first time at the actual flight field sine mid November. Road is super crappy and tore up on the way in from frost coming out so probably take this week for that to dry up so we can get in again. Sunshine and fresh air felt great though!!!


GSN Contributor
Ugh, didn't make it out today, but sounds like I would have been stuck in the mud trying to leave the field.


70cc twin V2
We were out all day flying. Test flew a couple planes for some of our new club members, and did some Instructing with a few new students. I got a couple flights in with my Yak, I need to install a carb kit in the EME 60 when doing the snap to Hover and other high G maneuvers I have to carry a higher idle to keep it from dropping off to almost quitting. Warren (Yakman) was out with both his Yaks having fun along with every body else all in all a very busy day. I did get a video of one members Tri Chopper he built from plans looks cool and flys great
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