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The I'm going out flying thread 2016


Damn I'm hungry
Got out yesterday and maiden the U Can't Do:attaboy:. Will post a funny vid of the second flight....Oh!.....make that the last flight:dancing-poop:.

A new fuse and cowl is in order. Did not break the prop though!:banana-dance:.


Summary of the day: Ripped out the gear of my Aeroplus 76" Edge in a dumb thumb in a torque roll. Browned-out my 104" AJ Slick and almost crashed it. Spent the rest of the day trying to reproduce the problem. Not the greatest day at the field. :(


Spent the day dlying in Magnolia, AR at the IMAC contest. Then flew three more flights after everybody was done. Total of 6 flights today :)

One more round in the morning. If it goes as well as my first round today, ai may be able to take home 3rd place.


640cc Uber Pimp
You are 100% right with the 7200BX. VBar, iKon, Spartan, Brain all have vibe log ability.
I've been seriously considered getting an iKon. Maybe once I get over all the money I just spent fixing the Trex and buying the Goblin.

Spektrum suggests spooling the helicopter up without main or tail blades to check for vibration. I decided to do that today since I just changed all the gears, main and feathering shafts, and almost every bearing including the motor bearings and motor shaft. Boy, am I glad I did or my trip to the flying field tomorrow would have been very short.

At low throttle it was smooth as glass, but once I got to about 50% the motor started shaking something fierce. When I pulled it apart two of the magnets had shifted and through it horribly out of balance.


"Cool Guy"
Liquid expo foamy flying at a party last night, turns into a boat ride @emtp275 and myself. @Paul Puszynski didn't make it to the pond, he got hung up in a tree :lol2: both Justin, and myself gave our foamies a bath. Tip of the day: Foamies, an water make MAGIC smoke
Tell Ms. Heather Thank you for taking pics, she caught me dipping tail, but pic didn't come out well.


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Maidened my 30% Carden Cap232 today. Flies nice. Has a little bit of the cap snap but not bad. First flight was a shake down and to get my nerves out but the second flight I gave her hell. Not much of a 3D plane but scale aerobatics are good. Gonna through a smoke system on it to really have fun. Hovered it a couple times and the motor has good pull out but didn't do it much as the motor is still new.


Liquid expo foamy flying at a party last night, turns into a boat ride @emtp275 and myself. @Paul Puszynski didn't make it to the pond, he got hung up in a tree :lol2: both Justin, and myself gave our foamies a bath. Tip of the day: Foamies, an water make MAGIC smoke
Tell Ms. Heather Thank you for taking pics, she caught me dipping tail, but pic didn't come out well.
I think I'll stick to flying cubs on that pond while I'm drinking from now on lol