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The 'What did you do in your workshop tonight?' thread


View attachment 42830

All fixed. Added some landing gear as well. Made them really short just trying to keep the wieght down. Will help protect the prop though on landings.
Did you cut out all the parts by hand, or did you scalp some parts from another kit and adjust the fuse and size of elevator and rudder? More to the point, fuse parts and ribs CNC or laser cut?


Did you cut out all the parts by hand, or did you scalp some parts from another kit and adjust the fuse and size of elevator and rudder? More to the point, fuse parts and ribs CNC or laser cut?

If by CNC you meen a scroll saw, exacto knife, and my calibrated eyeballs then yes. This is a slab a probro buddy designed. His is a 56" wingspan and powered by a OS55ax on a pipe. He wanted a scaled down version to have as a yard bird so he made me an offer on scaling it down and then building him one once the kinks are worked out. Not many kinks though, its a pretty awesome plane.

Decal Dennis

Speaking of DLG's, Frank Noll was flying one of these at our event Rolla MO.


He was getting some impressive flight times considering the calm cool conditions.

Funny story.....He let me fly it and I almost crashed it! The Whipit is two channel with rudder and elevator on the right stick. Well, Frank's Libelle has ailerons. So when I went to steer it with the right stick it rolled inverted! Luckily I had plenty of elevation to roll out of it and recover.
I can't imagine crashing a plane that belongs to an R/C legend! :confused:

The inverted loop was funny lol


Staff member
LIKE 10,000 times. I have been looking into like that Inventables XCarve CNC router. It would do what I needed. Or build my own CNC router. A couple probros have built there own and one of them is a good kit cutter. I have 3 kits at the house that he cut. Great quality.

I just googled the XCarve. Looks like a nice maching for the money. @Decal Dennis should get one too!


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Started assembly on the 44" 3DHS Slick tonight. Goes together pretty easy, most of the hard stuff is already done. I managed to break the threads right off of one of the axle shafts tonight, @SupaTim is sending me a new set. Thanks again bro :way_to_go:

Motor should arrive tomorrow!!!