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Scale Balsa USA 1/3 Scale Super Cub Kit " NIB "


70cc twin V2
Here's a few shots of the interior of the aircraft I'm replicating. You can see that compared to where the door opening is the seats are right there... so they aren't way down inside. The other thing is that all the interior tubing is green. I'm mocking up the interior and then will paint the fuselage white inside and the appropriate pieces with a hunter green. I had to decide on the color already because the whole plane will match later on.


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70cc twin V2
I bought a nice rudder pull/pull setup from Taildragger. The rudder and tailwheel will be driven by 2 servos... it's going to be a pretty robust system... I trying to decide how far back I want it in the fuselage. On the full scale plane there's an access door on the starboard side and that will help provide access to the pull/pull for me as well as house my charging ports and switches. I think it's far enough back and will still be really strong.


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70cc twin V2
So, finally... a little lesson... So I cheated a little bit and ordered the 1/3 scale cub gear, which I'm glad I did because I just have to bolt them together instead of purchasing a bunch of silver soldering materials and equipment... The landing gear on the plane are green to match the rest, and so before I assemble the landing gear I'm going to go ahead and paint all the pieces... only one problem... it's freezing here and the instructions on the paint can are accurate and if you attempt to paint in cold weather it will look fairly crappy. HAHA! Fortunately I was just adding a white metal primer over the existing gray color and will paint the top coat inside or wait until it's warmer (above 50 degrees F)...


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70cc twin V2
Over the past few evenings I've been painting the landing gear. The reason it's taken a little time is because it's so cold I've just done a coat and then left it overnight, but now the finish and color has come out just right and I'll be able to assemble the gear. Standby for tundra tire mockup! YAY!!!


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70cc twin V2
I've had a little spare time this morning to work on a few things in the fuselage. Planning out the interior build, electronics layout and access once complete is a little tricky. I've decided to install a plywood floor all the way forward instead of using the plastic that came with the kit. This will also match the full scale plane... I don't think it makes it any easier or harder, just different than using the plastic. I'm also going to be able to put my RX batteries further forward than I originally thought, which is great for CG. Basically everything is going to be completely hidden, except one might see the back of the fuel tank, but I'm not there yet. I'm also starting to think about mounting the engine now that the firewall is complete.

QUESTION: I've seen lots of videos of the 1/3 scale Super Cub with a G-62, even a 45... The EME 70 twin oughta be plenty of power correct? I'm sure it will be... I would've probably put a 120 in there, but the EME 70 specifically will fit entirely inside the cowling, where any other engine I looked at from 60 - 120 will not fit without cuts for the plugs, etc. and I didn't want that.


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70cc twin V2
I tied a string to my rudder control horn to see how that was going to work and I may have to add a little tubing at the rear to avoid rubbing on the fuselage. I also am testing with my screwdriver what it will be like accessing the different servos from the access panels and nothing else.

QUESTION: I purchased 2 servos for the elevator (IMAC plane mentality), however the elevator is one unit instead of split and also the manual only calls for 1 servo. I have the Hitec 5645 MG's with like 160 oz of torque. Should I install a redundant servo or just have the one back there that's direct drive? I think the one is plenty... but I don't know


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