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Scale Balsa USA 1/3 Scale Super Cub Kit " NIB "


70cc twin V2
This week is very exciting for the super cub build! It's like Christmas! All my electronics, engine, landing gear, etc. have arrived or will arrive tomorrow!

For the engine, I'm putting in an EME 70 twin, which will fit perfectly inside the cowling. I looked at several twins and this was the only one that would fit.

I splurged and went for the Robart 1/3 scale landing gear. That's going to save me a lot of time for sure!

The most exciting thing that's arrived this week is the PR Bushwheels, 11.5 inch balloon tires, which are just awesome! I also ordered the 1/3 scale PR Bushwheels tailwheel, which is beefy as heck, and these are going to make the plane. Steve up at PR also made me custom axles to fit the Robart landing gear... so I didn't even have to worry about how that was going to work out. Finding 1/3 scale tundra tires was extremely difficult, and I'm so glad I found PR. These are perfect, the tailwheel was an added bonus that I didn't expect, and anyone wanting these types of wheels, here's the link to their website:


Tomorrow I have more stuff coming from Chief Aircraft, and also Taildragger RC. So... the cub build oughta be full steam ahead!


  • SHPMNT - goodies.jpg
    SHPMNT - goodies.jpg
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  • ENGINE - eme 70 twin.jpg
    ENGINE - eme 70 twin.jpg
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  • LND GR - Robart landing gear.jpg
    LND GR - Robart landing gear.jpg
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  • TAIL - tailwheel.jpg
    TAIL - tailwheel.jpg
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  • LND GR - axles for bushwheels.jpg
    LND GR - axles for bushwheels.jpg
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70cc twin V2
Here are a few photos of putting on the cap strips over the wing ribs. I also glued the hard points for the servo horns, and began sanding down the wingtips.


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    WING - cap strip placement.jpg
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    WING - Cap strips.jpg
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  • WING - progress.jpg
    WING - progress.jpg
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  • WING - Servo horn hard points 2.jpg
    WING - Servo horn hard points 2.jpg
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  • WING - Servo horn hard points 3.jpg
    WING - Servo horn hard points 3.jpg
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  • WING - Servo horn hard points.jpg
    WING - Servo horn hard points.jpg
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  • WING - wingtip work (2).jpg
    WING - wingtip work (2).jpg
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70cc twin V2
A little update... I haven't worked on this bird in a while but fall is here along with crummy weather... perfect time to finish her up! Major construction is complete. My custom wing tubes fit perfectly and both wings align... I'll just need to secure the outer tubes once I've set the wing dihedral. The holes in the ribs are slightly larger to accommodate this down the road. Now it's on to the detail work, sanding and electronics installation! a few other minor construction items. She's looking like an airplane!!! It takes up my entire living room! I didn't realize how big 1/3 scale was I think. Haha!!
CUB - progress full 1.jpg


Look at Matt's build on the Pitts. He used solartex and sprayed a single stage paint straight on, no primer. A friend is recovering a stearman using the same method and it's looking great.