I had previously covered the bottom of the fuselage so it is time for the envelope. A large piece of fabric is draped over the fuselage and pinned in place to mark the center stringer with a pencil. This is pinned to a another piece of similar sized fabric and sewed together on the line. Excess fabric is trimmed and then turned inside out finally fitted to the fuselage. The fabric is first glued to the center stringer and fin, then glued around the perimeter finally shrunk providing a very pleasing curvature at the fin.
I did make one prototype, on the first seam I didn't notice the bottom fabric had folded over and was sewn in three places, I able the salvage the top fabric but the bottom one got a little cut in it so it was replace.
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Tony, trying to think my way through this step. Maybe I send the 2 pieces together to my mom to sew? She might have 5 sewing machines.
Very interesting! I’ve seen several envelopes sewn for full scale but I noticed something interesting on the drawing posted on the other thread.Here are the seams referenced in the Stits manual, see the envelope requires only a single stitch. I think on the next one I might try the seam right above the single stitch, the modified folded fell in two steps
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