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Search results

  1. quadracer

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread Sounds like the police will be waiting for you at the gate. :D J/K
  2. quadracer

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Damn Steve, that's heavy! And also funny as hell!
  3. quadracer

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    I guess I have some justification for going gas-only now.... I'll see if the ol lady buys it. :)
  4. quadracer

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    My blue and yellow Yak now has red accents all over it. It looked like someone field dressed a deer in that parking lot!
  5. quadracer

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Yup, you've got a phase not making connection. I want to remind everyone to practice safe flying and working on your planes. I had an incident with my Yak today that was 100% avoidable, had I been thinking. I botched a hover, and set the radio down to straighten the gear a bit. The wind caught...
  6. quadracer

    3DHS Planes Picture Thread

    Here's a thread to post random photos of your 3DHS planes. Be it a profile foamie, or a 126, post 'em up! Whether they're pristine, beat-up, on the ground, in the ground, in flight, doesn't matter. Put em up here for everyone to enjoy!
  7. quadracer

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Ouch! That sucks man. Kinda resembles my first 48 Edge after a WOT downline got a little too close to the weeds.....
  8. quadracer

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    It lives! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HTGguZPM24&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. quadracer

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Hugocraft ran a 20x6 Mezjlik on the 70 Slick I bought from him. Seemed to do just fine!
  10. quadracer

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Got a pile of servos, an AR8000x, a CC bec pro, and two batteries laying on the table. Now I guess all that's left is for me to put it all where it belongs. :)
  11. quadracer

    3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC

    Pretty "Slick" idea there, Alex.
  12. quadracer

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    I might need a towel the first time I fire it up. :D
  13. quadracer

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Savox 1258TG's Hell, she puts a smile on my face sitting on the floor!
  14. quadracer

    71" AJ Slick Building, Flying, and Questions

    Can't wait to get mine airborne! Hoping it might be this weekend, if my servos show up.
  15. quadracer

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    A few columns to the right of the user's name.
  16. quadracer

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    His reason says "you were warned adequately about advertising your forum in the 'Other Websites' section." Reading some of the posts, I think I have a pretty good idea who might have been reporting it. Why doesn't it show who reports a post? If you're gonna be a little snitch, RCG should at...