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  1. D

    Futaba Sbus ?

    This looks like a cool solution and actually makes SBus really useful in a giant scale plane. http://www.xtremepowersystems.net/proddetail.php?prod=XPS-X10%2B It will except SBus and Sbus2 signals and output a normal signal to drive any servo. It also has nice solder points to directly power...
  2. D

    AMA and Multirotors

    AMA brings in about 800k from memberships. There's no way the people they are trying to regulate (non-members not flying at fields) are: A. going to join B. even hear about AMA with a $250,000 advertising budget.
  3. D

    Futaba Sbus ?

    I've seen posts by one of their reps or team pilots stating they've (the rep) tested the 6v receivers on 10v and they work perfectly fine. So running lipo into them would be the last thing I'd be worried about. If the internal reg was undersized and incapable of dissipating the heat from...
  4. D

    Futaba Sbus ?

    Futaba receivers are fine on HV setups. No reg needed. You can run battery power into any red/black +- wire anywhere you want or Y it in at the receiver if you run out of open slots. It's all the same bus. Just run 4 or more connectors into the receiver (or Y them in with a servo at the...
  5. D

    Swapping radio systems - few questions...

    I wouldn't worry about battery sharing. A parallel circuit already shares current proportional to the size of each battery. The only downside I can think of when not using a bat share is a cell fully failing short and the other cell getting overcharged by good battery. I haven't been able to...
  6. D

    Safety Third Lithium battery care tips thread

    I like to keep track of IR readings and cycle them every once and a while to confirm capacity. This is on receiver packs. If anything starts to go downhill it should show up in increasing IR over time. I write down the IR of each cell when I get the packs and monitor this over time...