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Search results

  1. Joe's Dad

    Fly Low In "Middle East" --Joe flies for the Prince of Dubai"

    The Dubai Trip Story. Moms in it this time. http://youtu.be/5Xfhmff-qh8
  2. Joe's Dad

    Servos: Metal Gear v. Plastic v. Digital

    Metal gears hold up better over the long run. Hold up better to rudder drags too. Just don't touch the ground with plastic gear servos. But Joe runs mostly MG servos. Digitals too.
  3. Joe's Dad

    Throttle Curves

    Interesting Idea
  4. Joe's Dad

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Good to hear it all went well.
  5. Joe's Dad


    Joe and I met some really friendly Girls from Sweden on our Dubai Trip. Spoke English really well. Skydivers too.
  6. Joe's Dad

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    I'm still reading all the fascinating stories about Boogers and Holes in WV
  7. Joe's Dad

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Welcome Also glad to see your not from WV. Stories we have been reading are a bit, well I'll stop there.
  8. Joe's Dad

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Stop making her do all the heavy lifting!;)
  9. Joe's Dad

    103" Extra 330SC Building, Flying, and Questions

    We have been known to grind on the sparkplug cap a bit to reduce the bulge.
  10. Joe's Dad

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    He is a good dog turner.
  11. Joe's Dad

    Fly Low In "Middle East" --Joe flies for the Prince of Dubai"

    Flight 4 in Dubai http://youtu.be/p2lWA5Z54_Y
  12. Joe's Dad

    Fly Low In "Middle East" --Joe flies for the Prince of Dubai"

    Joe's 3rd flight in Dubai http://youtu.be/GERn5FIQLXM
  13. Joe's Dad


    Kids are the future of this hobby. I'm been criticized by lots of people for saying it. So you have my support. Plus its fun watching you fly young man.