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    3D Newbies

    You are right My advice was off topic - sorry
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    3D Newbies

    3Drew - I used that RX in several 3d profiles also - no problems at all. I tend to fly well within "park flyer" distances. Would suggest a care full range check if flying far away or high up.
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    FAA 2014-0396- interpretation of new rule for Model Aircraft

    As I watch the news this week, I see that booth Google and Amazon appear to actaully be serious about fielding door to door package deliver by autonomous aerial vehicle ( I refuse to use the "D" word). I have a hypothesis that the FAA will not be able to hold it's position in the face of two...
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    Article: E-Flite UMX AS3Xtra by rcdude07

    Took me a while, but I think I found it www.bowker-models.com This the one?
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    The Rolling Loop

    good suggestion - I would also value some insight on this one
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    3D Newbies

    you are in the right place to ask - check out the 3d section of the site, takes each manuever on in detail. I alsolike the 4 part michael wargo youtube videos - his way of explaining resonantes for me. I started and stilldo most of my practice with EPP foamies in the 32 inch range. My personal...
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    Article: E-Flite UMX AS3Xtra by rcdude07

    To be clear I want to hear about the kit
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    Article: E-Flite UMX AS3Xtra by rcdude07

    appreciated - truth is, my TH Inferno is filling this functional slot as my go to driveway/backyard flier quite nicely - but another airplane is always lurking at the edges of my conciousness
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    Article: E-Flite UMX AS3Xtra by rcdude07

    AKfreak - Any thoughts about a slight scaled up version of this airframe to use the eflite electronics from the geebee or sbach? 150 mah 2s out runner with ESC on the receiver - same linear servos. Swings a 5" prop Insanity?
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    noob looking for advice

    No wrong choices here. I advise that you show pictures of all to your wife/significant other and let them pick the one they think is prettiest. Will buy you some flying time grace down the road. As you load it into the car, look her in the eye and say " that is a beautiful airplane you chose...
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I just bought some 2s 360mah lipos from Twisted Hobbies Bought several, they were in stock. Might look there
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    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    And now, for something completely different! Always wanted some of those expensive Fat Shark FPV goggles, but couldn't bring yourself to spend that much ? View yourself as a pretty handy craftsman and builder? Kinda P***ed at the FAA ? Take this idea and run with it...
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    The Inferno

    I had a motor wire seperate on the 14gram 1620kv outrunner (using 6A esc and 250 mah 2s lipo) I was able to repair it, but decided to try to alternate motor/esc/battery combo of 19 gram 1750kv outrunner 12A esc 360mah lipo CG moved from near the nose to just in front of the aileron...
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    Twisted Hobbys Crack Laser, with a few new build tips

    I view inverted landings as a legit aerobatic manoeuvre ;-)
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    Twisted Hobbys Crack Laser, with a few new build tips

    Sounds like you are on the right path - 4-5 crashes and you are still flying and having fun - it doesn't get much better than that. you mentioned "a little expo" - just for reference I fly mine with 70% - more expo is usually (though not always) a good thing - with the big control throws, you...
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    You may be addicted to RC if...

    Take advice from an old guy Ask your wife to hold the plane while you take the picture ;-)
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    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    I had thought about a bit of welders, but haven'ttried it yet. will give your idea a try.
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    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Check the wires between the motor and the esc "Just pooped out on me" is the symptoms I saw when the wire fatigued and eventually broke
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    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Love my TH planes - have 4 of them at the moment. I have a durability problem that has shown up on two different airplanes - wondering if maybe there is something I should/could be doing to avoid this in future. The problem is that after many flights, the wires from the motor become...