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  1. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Ok Gary that can be our FLI signature move this year. I'll work on the hover. You get to work on those rolling loops. :)
  2. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Total wackiness. What would someone even be thinking to go out and do that with other planes in the air. Yikes.
  3. Aaeolien

    Sim sessions!

    jumping on in just a few minutes
  4. Aaeolien

    More predictable pop tops

    RF tonight around 9pm EST? thinking of jumping on once the little guy goes to bed
  5. Aaeolien

    More predictable pop tops

    I do pop tops without the right aileron roll you have listed in #3. Never tried it that way. I think it just might be a timing thing because I end up with a variety of looking things just like you get. Sometimes they are great other times I just go huh? Lol.
  6. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Grrr can't catch a break with the wind. Blowing 10 to 15 again today. Did go out to the field and out 3 flights on the 48 2 on the 42 and 4 on the 40 EPP. Managed to goof up down low with the 40 when a big wind gust grabbed me and broke off the firewall. Whoops. Of course wasn't that on the...
  7. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Lol thanks. The roof landing was an aborted attempt at "landing" on the side of the house in a hover. Clipped the roof edge on the way by. Figured it had to go in the video for a good laugh.
  8. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Thanks. Its fun to try and keep it just in my our own yard. Most of the time I will also really use the street so its not so small. Great practice for sure.
  9. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Well bandit's video is a bit better than mine but had a little foamie fun the other night in the front yard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1isxWMh3QM
  10. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    I did go out and check. It's blowing 10-15 out there right now. A bit much for the 40 EPP in the dark. Almost a bit much for it during the day. Flew it earlier this afternoon and it wasn't the most enjoyable flight. Just not enough mass to really fling it around in those conditions.
  11. Aaeolien

    3DHS Fly Low In (East) July 11,12,13,14 Washington, New Jersey 6th Annual

    I think I will make it to nall next year. Putting it in my wife's head now that I want to go really badly. As far as nj FLI well man can't get here soon enough. Going to be a crazy 2 weeks to start July for me. 4th of July at disney with the family. Come home work for a couple days and then...
  12. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Lol. You sir are going to get me in trouble. You are starting to become a bad influence. :)
  13. Aaeolien

    What's on your bench?

    Awesome. Only thing I have laying here is a guillows 24 inch cub kit that I want to make rc. Got it started but I am clueless when it comes to building one from a kit. Horizontal stab is put together. It was a spur of the moment purchase since it was on sale a the LHS for like $10. One of those...
  14. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Lol Gary. Now you are talking. Might just have to try to sell the edge to fund a 51. That might be a worthwhile upgrade. I won't get yelled at by the wife too badly since I would be selling one to buy a different one. Hmmmmm.
  15. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Anyone else, even though its 11:15pm here, have the urge to go out flying right now? Wonder what the wind is doing out there. I do have the 40 with the lights on it now. Hmmmm.
  16. Aaeolien

    3DHS New Products and General Plane Info/Help for Fanatics

    Lol I have to agree with you on that. The guys at the field I just started flying at are all looking to buy some 3dhs goodness after watching mine fly. Only been out there twice to fly and I think I have potentially sold a few planes. Haha. Might just have to put a price on one of mine and...
  17. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Congrats. That's awesome. Super news. . I am dreading when it comes time to finance college. Hoping the little guy becomes good enough at something to pay for it. Lol.
  18. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    crazy. just crazy. an amazing save. I hadn't seen that one before. pretty wild.
  19. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Got in some flying today, but man was it windy again :( got in 1 flight on the epp edge (way too windy). 2 on the 42 slick and 4 on the 48 edge. Most guys at the field today that were there flew once and then did not fly again. I just kept going up. LOL Would have flown some more even though...
  20. Aaeolien

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Hehe I totally understand. Just odd and a tad surprising that you didn't get a response.