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  1. dth7

    Discussion Freestyle Routine Music

    Jake, I'm just seeing this thread- awesome idea! Thanks for starting it. This is "the next level" for many of us and people have no idea how much work and practice goes into it. In my area it is met with mixed emotions. One 80 year old that I have in an EF 60" Laser says to me "How about...
  2. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Hey guys, I just came across this video from Mike Goulian Airshows. It's short and offers some background into his performance. I like it for this thread because there are a couple great clips of Mike doing an "Aresti dance" prior to his flight. You'll see him "dancing" the routine with his...
  3. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    The PW Extras are nice with a little tweaking in "edit airplane"- control throws, expo, etc. The EF 104 (latest version), the Daltons all are nice ones. I'm on 6.5 but I think some are available for other versions. Good luck.
  4. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Thanks! Just finished looking at your site and FB page. Good stuff going on down there. Do you own the shop too?
  5. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Wow, you boys do it up BIG in Texas! What a great sign, nice facility, nice Ultimate. Looks like a fun event too. Wish I were closer. Thanks for bringing your enthusiasm, talents and treasures to the forum.
  6. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Thanks Nate. Yea. The quality stinks but for someone who hasn't seen it I think it gives a decent representation. Also you can see the importance of wind correction. I tightened the pattern up in the second sequence and it was easier to manage. Now imagine that wind as more of a crosswind...
  7. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Hey guys I was prepping a wing cam for auction and found this video of my first IMAC competition last summer. It's raw footage so scroll through it at will. I thought for those who haven't been to an event it might be interesting. A couple points. Cody is calling for me so you'll hear him talk...
  8. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    It's possibule it's possibule!
  9. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Awesome. You will find plenty of motivation and help here. Post away. Good luck with the Edge. We all have the virus. There is no cure!
  10. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Ok a few more new names. Welcome to Lazy3d L Hatley and Jedei120. Lets us know what and where you fly. Enjoy the forum.
  11. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Wow Erik. Looks like a fun group. Nice to have the space to run a near full scale airport! Videos of the fun are always welcome too. Enjoy the forum.
  12. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    I'm just not in your league man! Tough to compete with. You must have that page/ search bookmarked. Keep it up. WELCOME all new members. The word is definitely spreading.
  13. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Looks GR8! Jealous. Enjoy it.
  14. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    So I'm soloed! Cool. "Knock knock Penny, knock knock Penny!" Funny show.
  15. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    How's that 3DMIKE
  16. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Just noticed kernel joined. Welcome to the forum. Tell us what and where you fly. Enjoy the friendly, knowledgeable community here.
  17. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Lay off the bananas "Magilla"! I'm sure they will help you out. Good luck. Report on cust service.
  18. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Ok brother. I got six on you man also with an adopted one! She gives me a license to be a fool in public and I love it. I'll keep an eye out for new peeps. You keep an eye on that new baby. Good luck.
  19. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    That's true Mike I was and am. So it will be hard to get a jump on you. I'm just happy you are doing it. Another thing that sets this forum apart. Keep it up. Grandpa "twice!" Man. Congrats. You're younger than I am aren't you? My girl is 7 1/2!
  20. dth7

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    This takes a long time to load coreman