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  1. dth7

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Another supplier shout out. I bought a Graphtech CF landing gear for my 78 extra. I had a "not so hard" landing on the second flight with it (witnessed by a friend) that caused a delamination on one side. I wrote an email and included a note from my friend. They are replacing the gear! I...
  2. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Great! This is what Bill does with the iMac pro under caller mode- "description". A great tool for a caller unfamiliar with the maneuvers and a new pilot to iMac. I was thinking that doing a video showing some typical errors that cause point deductions might be helpful. That as well as one...
  3. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    For iPhone users (there is also an Android app). IMAC Pro has been updated to include 2014 Known sequences. I would highly recommend this app. Check it out.
  4. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    That would be nice to see. I'm curious what your "dummy form" is. Since I know the maneuvers I just write them out for a caller who isn't familiar. Others prefer the call to be each part of the maneuver. For more complex moves this is helpful. For instance- 2014 Basic no 2- "Shark Tooth" or...
  5. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Guys, I think this is what Snowdog was thinking when he started this thread. Great discussions so far. To see what happens when you blend IMAC, Pattern and 3D flying I would offer watching a few videos of my friend Cody Wojcik. IMHO I feel he puts his precision background together beautifully...
  6. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    How far from Memphis are you? I have a layover there tomorrow! That's a nice hangar full of airplanes. Love all the Pitts and that Sukhoi is really nice. My first tail stagger was a Citabria. Never did fly the Decathlon. Are you doing any RC? If so what. Thanks for being a part of the forum...
  7. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Just read this thread so far and go ton the links- iMac website, iMac pro app, Brian "yak dudes" tutorial, my vid, they will all give you some different insights to IMAC. Good luck and ask questions. I'm recruiting more Experienced IMAC pilots to the forum. Bill James, creator of IMAC pro app...
  8. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Lines, radii, rates, oh my. Wind correction, full stalls, snap rolls... Lots to know for sure. Do you have access to any judging seminars? Check the iMac site or get in touch with your regional iMac reps. If you can get to one all that stuff comes together. Attending an event also helps.
  9. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Thanks for filling in any blanks Rick. Would love to hear any of your comments and tips for the group. What do you fly IAC? I taught in Mudry Cap 10s a long time ago.
  10. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    He's got some good stuff in there.
  11. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    I know Brian uses Fraps. Us that a free download? Where can I get it? Thanks
  12. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Empty hangar oh no! That Yak should be nice. I have a friend who scratch built an SU 26 that he will hopefully fly in basic. He has an SU 29 coming off the bench also, both 30-35cc. I said they would be a great addition. Not many scratch builds out there these days.
  13. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    On the sim point, yes. Terms- yes on the baseline, your "hard deck" so to speak. It doesn't always have to be the same but when you pull out of a down line it must be to level, draw a horizontal line then the next. Pretty much like the aresti is drawn. Radii are your pulls- loops= round...
  14. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Nate, I particular enjoyed the ending!!! Lol Good go at it. It is very difficult on the sim. I did like the close ups. Did you just hit a key each time? So, couple things to get you on track. You want to draw straight, level lines between each maneuver. Your radii of the pulls and roll rates...
  15. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    The sim is tricky for practice. If you set ground in view at all times the plane is hard to see and if you zoom in its easy to lose orientation with your flight line. It's best to just run through the sequence and get a rhythm."Sod Farm" seems to be one of the best flying fields for it. Nothing...
  16. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Sounds reasonable that national or now world competition should also go to tally regional points since to get to those events you have earned the points. After the national team is selected the regionals have been beat anyway. Do I have that right?
  17. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Setup for IMAC flying- Spend some time on you plane to get the setup as close to perfect as you can. This will make your flying much easier. If you are having to "fight" the up and down lines rather than "fly" them due to a bad CG (falling out toward gear (nose heavy) or pulling in toward...
  18. dth7

    IMAC learning and support using flight videos

    Quote Originally Posted by SnowDog View Post ..."I'd like to do better at IMAC but I'm not ready for contests." SnowDog and anyone else. If you can get through the maneuvers in the sequence in a recognizable form and under control then you are ready to compete. You will learn much just by...
  19. dth7

    Sunnysky 2820-7 800KV w/ Hobbywing Platinum Plus 60A ESC (used, was on EF 48" MXS)

    Servos? I feel like I'm on Pawn Stars! Thanks man.