3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Ok, I submit the following humble offering for your judgment (and ridicule)
Nate, I particular enjoyed the ending!!! Lol
Good go at it. It is very difficult on the sim. I did like the close ups. Did you just hit a key each time?
So, couple things to get you on track. You want to draw straight, level lines between each maneuver. Your radii of the pulls and roll rates want to be consistent throughout the maneuvers. Looping maneuvers need to be round.
I keep my flying in close on the sim also just to see it. With the plane your base line wants to be higher. Closer to tree top or more. For that last maneuver, the spin, you need to plan ahead with the previous maneuver The Immelmann must be flown so your radius takes you high enough to leave room for the spin.
For a first try it was fine. Remember no 3D at competition unless you're in a freestyle. That was hard to get used to since it is often a stress reliever for me during practice! Also keep in mind that you are being scored from the time your caller states "in the box" til he/ she states "out of the box" so plan that call to avoid a lot of level flight that could have variations (point deductions).
Keep at it. I'd use the sim more for individual maneuvers or linking them with nice level transitions. When you fly outdoors practice setting a reasonable base line and then nice radii on the pulls.
Good work and thanks for putting up the video.
Even thou the maneuvers appear easy on paper it's harder than it looks to put them all together in a balanced accurate sequence isn't it?
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