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Search results

  1. Jwmav528

    3DHS 47" Osiris

    My girlfriend is the same way. She likes flying when I put her up on the buddy box with my planes and she has also taken to showing off. There's a horse farm next to her house and her neighbor lets me fly smaller stuff there and she has on at least one occasion taken helicopters up to show off...
  2. Jwmav528

    What's on your bench?

    Waiting on the kitchen remodel to finish up so that I can put my workshop back together, then it's back to kit building and working out the issues with the ESC on my Buck Huck. If I don't have it by spring, I'm just getting a ZTW or Hobbywing for it.
  3. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    My back yard is a little tight for a foamie. There's a good place walking distance from me. I just have to get a hot knife and start cutting up some templates from my Leadfeather Yak plans. You can tell when I haven't been flying in a while. Towards the end of the season, my girlfriend...
  4. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    I'll keep playing with it. I've got 4 months of cold before I really get to go out a lot again.
  5. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    http://www.e-fliterc.com/Products/Default.aspx?ProdID=EFLA1040 This one. It was gifted to me by an overly generous club member.
  6. Jwmav528

    3dhs 41" Edge

    What motor are you using? I have the 72g Omega and I am having trouble nailing down the proper ESC timing. Otherwise, the plane is awesome! Here is a pic of mine with my EPP Edge and a Nitro Edge that was there while I was. I need to chase down my gf's camera for pictures of it in the air.
  7. Jwmav528

    Discussion What's a good first balsa plane?

    Don't get me wrong because I love my Buck Huck. It got it's first scratches this year at the Ohio Huckfest when I managed a thermal ESC shutdown and pancaked in front of everyone. It was a great way to introduce myself at my first huckfest. BUT.... It has a very small plane feel and it...
  8. Jwmav528

    Discussion What's a good first balsa plane?

    The 3DRCForums -OFF TOPIC- Thread 51 Slick or 58 Edge? I love Edges!!! But the Slick is... Well.... A Slick. I love my Buck Huck.
  9. Jwmav528

    The Bonehead Files

    I was working on my .90 glow to 20cc gas conversion on my Phoenix Extra 330 and I was cutting the throttle linkage to length the night before an event and in my haste, I was using a fresh straight razor blade with no thumb buddy (article coming soon on what that is) and the blade slipped and I...
  10. Jwmav528

    Another reason why we don't accept ads from everyone!

    I thank you for screening advertisers. It's nice knowing anyone that I click on here will lead to an ethical and reputable business.
  11. Jwmav528

    The Bonehead Files

    The first night out with my 3DHS 40" EPP Edge I was flying it and having a blast with it. I flew it right up and was going crazy up until I couldn't calm it back down to land. Ultimately I dinked it in hard and had to rebuild the nose on it. The cause... I misread the 4 character naming...