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Search results

  1. Ohio AV8TOR

    Extreme Flight 60" Edge 540T Assembly

    Well my 60" Extreme Flight Edge came in and although this plane has been around for a while it still remains to be very popular and hopefully some things that I do or observe might ultimately help someone during their plane selection and or build. First off my choice for this plane. I was...
  2. Ohio AV8TOR

    Question? Sky Lipo 40C 6S 3300

    Anyone using the Sky Lipo 6S 3300 40C batteries, are they really 633.75g as listed? Seems 100g overweight to me.
  3. Ohio AV8TOR

    External BEC connection

    I should receive my 85a Series B this week and 10a Castle BEC. Where do you guys splice in the two, at the battery connector or cut back some insulation back away from the connector and solder in there? On my 71" Slick I did the cut the insulation back method which worked pretty good but I...
  4. Ohio AV8TOR

    Wanting to learn more about HV servo setups

    I am wanted to learn more about the setup when using HV servos and I would like to hear your opinions, setups and things you would do different the next time. About the power supply; In my thinking there are two main approaches, use a separate BEC and dial up the desired voltage or use a...
  5. Ohio AV8TOR

    Omega 130g - Airboss 45

    Anyone looking for a deal on a Omega 130g motor? This was all bought the end of Sept and only has 128 flights on it. The motor never was crashed and in fact never had a broken prop with it. I am moving up in size. Omega 130g motor, Extreme Flight Airboss 45A ESC, and 4 Falcon props (2 used and...
  6. Ohio AV8TOR

    Joe's videos

    Are there anymore videos of Joe flying showing his transmitter like this one? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1u-TEb3RCpg
  7. Ohio AV8TOR

    Gas related questions

    Joe what fuel line do you use, and how often do you replace it? Do you use a weighted pickup in the tank or a filtered one? What gas are you using, or another way to ask are you concerned about gas with alcohol? Thanks
  8. Ohio AV8TOR

    Sweet Skills with KE Spin

    Looking for some advice on getting more consistant KE spins. First off I am not having any problem with my larger 87" SHP but I have had problems with my smaller planes locking a KE Spin in. Smaller as in 42" Slick and 47" SHP. I have have experimenting with how much ruder and how much...
  9. Ohio AV8TOR

    The Eagle Has Landed

    Rest in peace.
  10. Ohio AV8TOR

    87†3DHS Extra 300 SHP w/DA-60

    My Pide and Joy! As this plane has been out for some time now I really did not plan to start another thread on one. When I was searching build threads I noticed not many were with DA-60’s so I though with the popularity of this motor now if this could help others why not. As there is...
  11. Ohio AV8TOR

    October 4 - 7th - Austin Radio Control Association HucktoberFest- Austin, Texas

    Just want to make sure this gets posted as I am so looking forward to it. The Austin guys rock and should be a great event. http://austinrc.org/index.php/huckfest-home-start-here