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Search results

  1. porcia83

    Frank Tiano, Candidate for AMA President

    Folks always seem to want a housecleaning of the politicians when the votes don't go along the lines of what they want. It's incredibly presumptuous to assume that you know the motivations and reasons for the votes made by the district VPs, that by the way, were split at 50/50 before Brown...
  2. porcia83

    Frank Tiano, Candidate for AMA President

    You've made two references to Williams "making money" off of drones, how specifically is he doing that? Tiano sells numerous items directly related to the hobby, as well as hosting events, should that be an issue as well? if one of the candidates owned a hobby store and sold goods and...
  3. porcia83

    Aeroworks 30cc Laser 200 ARF-QB

    Congrats Tyler took 1st place in Advanced, and 2nd in Freestyle at the World Championships. In addition to being a great pilot, he is a great ambassador for the hobby, and a genuinely nice kid. Same with his brother, but he didn't get first place. :)
  4. porcia83

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Looks great. I've used them for at least a year, fantastic guy to deal with. greta prices, excellent communication and always ships within 24-48 hours and goes by priority. They will even make custom sized packs too.
  5. porcia83

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    http://www.audiperformancecars.com/?csref=75483530250853401#badge/r8/detail What shall it be, the R8 or the S8? Saw a completely chromed out R8 this weekend, 5 minutes later a McLaren go by, Mp4 I think. Stunning vehicle. Smaller than I expected given the pics I had seen.
  6. porcia83

    A good starter or 2nd 3D plane suggestion

    sweet...thanks guys, appreciate it. I like the idea of those twisted hobby ones, seen one at a field and watched it bounce of ground a few times with no problem. O figured as much on the yak, it seemed heavy too, but it was a good chance at a really good deal.
  7. porcia83

    A good starter or 2nd 3D plane suggestion

    One of my first planes was a 42" AJ Slick. More than I could handle, and a miracle that it lasted as many flights as it did. Once I lawn darted it, I haven't really replaced it. It's been two years now andI fly all other stuff, jets, scale stuff, Parkzone stuff etc. I love the look of some...