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Search results

  1. GSNadmin

    Yuneec Adds Live Social Sharing Features To Selfie Drone

    From Yuneec: Yuneec APV has launched live stream capabilities for its Breeze “Flying Camera” drone. User can now live stream to Facebook, YouTube, or your preferred output, making the product even more convenient than before. Whether users are interacting in real-time with their followers...
  2. GSNadmin

    Durafly T-28 Trojan USMC 1100mm (43″) V2 (PNF) [VIDEO]

    From HobbyKing: The North American T28 Trojan was built in the 1950’s as a military training aircraft for all three services, the U.S. Navy, airforce, and U.S. Marines. It saw service in the Vietnam war and is still a very popular attraction at airshows today. The team at Durafly have added...
  3. GSNadmin

    Turnigy Eclipse 2K Full HD FPV Action Camera With WiFi

    From HobbyKing: The Turnigy Eclipse 2K Full HD FPV Action Camera has been designed with versatility in mind and comes packed with features. Due to its miniature size and super crisp HD digital video recording, it can be used as an FPV camera, dash camera, R/C drone camera or an action camera for...
  4. GSNadmin

    Turnigy Eclipse Action Camera FPV Docking Station

    From HobbyKing: The easiest way to turn your Turnigy Eclipse 2K Action Camera into an FPV Camera is using the Turnigy Eclipse Action Camera FPV Docking Station. The Eclipse just slides and locks into the docking station for easy use and removal. The docking station can utilize all the...
  5. GSNadmin

    Tower Hobbies P-51D Mustang MkII Racer Red Rx-R [VIDEO]

    From Tower Hobbies: What better way to win air races than with a plane patterned after the popular P-51 Mustang? Its speed and agility made it a dominant dogfighter during its combat career, and now you can take the checkered flag with a quality-built replica of an American icon! Tower...
  6. GSNadmin

    Tower Hobbies P-51B Mustang Berlin Express Rx-R 40″

    From Tower Hobbies: Flying a P-51 Mustang model is always special. Flying a scale replica of the P-51B “Berlin Express” takes it to another level, and now you can experience the thrill of piloting the same warbird made famous by Lt. Bill Overstreet during WWII! Tower Hobbies’ P-51B Mustang goes...
  7. GSNadmin

    Road to Top Gun — Phillip Koury and his Wake Island Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat

    Traveling from Picayune, Mississippi, Phillip Koury will be competing in the Expert class with his impressive Grumman F4F-3 Wildcat. Built with laser cut parts for the Jerry Bates plans, Phil’s 1/5-scale Wildcat was not build it initially for scale competition. Phil enjoys reading Military...
  8. GSNadmin

    Learn the Slip to Landing

    Executing the side slip to landing requires a pilot to be comfortable with using rudder as well as cross-controlling rudder and aileron input. It is important to understand the balance of these two inputs, as all airplanes respond to control inputs in a different manner. If too much rudder...
  9. GSNadmin

    Get Ready — The 2017 Warbirds over Delaware is Just Around the Corner

    Model Airplane News is pleased to again be a major sponsor of this amazing Warbird gathering. Including WW1, WW2 and post war aircraft and jets, this extravaganza is poised to again be the greatest warbird event on the East Coast. Here are just a few of the warbirds from last year’s event...
  10. GSNadmin

    Tips & Tricks

    From homemade fuel line barbs to an inventive storage space for wings, our team of editors and contributors has the answers you’re looking for. Here are 4 workshop tips that we hope will make your time in the shop more enjoyable and efficient. Enjoy! HEAT SHRINK SECURITY Use heat-shrink...
  11. GSNadmin

    Monster Super Constellation Takes Flight

    When Lockheed’s Super Constellations ruled the commercial skies in the late ’50s and early ’60s, traveling by air was still a treat! This 12.5-fot-span L-1049G Super Constellation in Lufthansa livery takes to the skies under the expert guidance of pilot Reiner Strobel at the Airliner Meeting in...
  12. GSNadmin

    Radial Engine Upgrade — Adding a Multi-Cylinder Power System

    When you fly giant scale aircraft you have a choice of engines and power systems. When it comes to aircraft with round engine cowlings however, nothing beats the sound and performance of a radial engine. Most giant-scale airplanes feature an engine box built into the fuselage and secured at...
  13. GSNadmin

    Top Gun Video Interview from Warbird Alley

    Without a doubt, the most popular tent this year at Top Gun belonged to P.J. Ash. P.J. is the motivator behind the Warbird Alley gang, and Warbird Alley is the watering hole at the Top Gun flightline! It’s also where the MAN crew set up our home base! This year, P.J. had three huge tents to...
  14. GSNadmin

    Road to Top Gun — Pilot Roster and Award Sponsors

    All the paperwork is in and the event is well on its way for planning and organization. Here’s the most recent copy of the Pilot Roster and the list of Award sponsors. Click here for TOP GUN 17 ROSTER Frank Tiano and all the rest of his hard working staff wish to thanks the following for their...
  15. GSNadmin

    Shop Tip: Balancing your Propeller

    When operating RC airplanes (or quadcopters), properly balanced propellers are very important. Having a balanced prop helps prevent excessive vibration which can cause electrical connections to loosen, fuel in your gas tank to foam up, and can even cause structural damage. Balancing your...
  16. GSNadmin

    Functional Scale — How to: Make a Sliding Canopy

    Like many scale modelers, I simply can’t leave well enough alone and I often find myself thinking of ways to improve a scale project. With the ESM / VQ Warbirds ARF Corsair as a base model, I thought I would give it a complete makeover and add lots of details and special features. The sliding...
  17. GSNadmin

    Road to Top Gun — Captain Ralph Espisito and his Brazilian Thunderbolt

    Coming from Sao Paulo, Brazil, Ralph Esposito will be competing in the Expert class this year with his impressive P-47D Thunderbolt. Ralph says: “Very few people know that the Brazilian Air Force fought against the Axis in Italy using P-47 Thunderbolts given to them by the United States. I...
  18. GSNadmin

    MAN @ Toledo Show — Debra Cleghorn’s video tour of the Scale RC models on display

    Debra Cleghorn was video posting live from the recent Toledo Model Expo at the Seagate Convention Center in downtown Toledo OH. Check out her video and comments about these amazing airplanes in the static scale competition. Model Airplane News - The #1 resource for RC plane and helicopter...
  19. GSNadmin

    More Live Video — Posted from the recent Toledo Show

    Debra Cleghorn was busy all weekend at the show and posted this video Live Post showing some of the amazing Turbine Jets on display. Check it out! Model Airplane News - The #1 resource for RC plane and helicopter enthusiasts featuring news, videos, product releases and tech tips. Continue...
  20. GSNadmin

    Tower Hobbies Uproar V2 GP/EP ARF 47.6 Inch

    It might look like an old school design, but this Uproar is all about extreme 3D performance, excelling at post-stall flight. This V2 incarnation of the Uproar features design enhancements by Gary Wright, comes complete with Oracover film and the power to weight ratio, whether using glow or...