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Search results

  1. GSNadmin

    Jeti Pro Power Lithium Polymer Batteries

    From Esprit Tech: As Lithium Polymer battery technology continues to push new boundaries, Jeti Pro Power Lithium Polymer Batteries bring a whole new element into the mix – power & performance at a price that simply can’t be ignored. Designed specifically for the demands of the latest power...
  2. GSNadmin

    HobbyKing Voltigeur 3D Aerobatic Plane 1220mm (PNF)

    From HobbyKing: Hobbyking introduces the Voltigeur, which is French for aerobatic. The Voltigeur is a true aerobatic performer and extreme 3D flying machine. Construction is from lightweight EPO foam and features large control surfaces coupled with masses of power. Perfectly balanced with a...
  3. GSNadmin

    HobbyKing Extra 330SC 30cc Aerobatic Plane V2 (ARF)

    From HobbyKing: The Extra Flugzeugbau EA330SC is a high-powered single seat unlimited aerobatic competition sports plane designed by German Walter Extra. Derived from the original two-seat Extra EA300 the 330SC has a more powerful Lycoming 315hp engine, smaller wingspan, reduced wing area and...
  4. GSNadmin

    HobbyKing Junkers Ju-87B-2 Stuka 1400mm (55″) ARF

    From HobbyKing: One of the most recognizable aircraft from the mighty Luftwaffe and WW2, the Junkers Ju-87 Stuka struck fear into the enemy with its menacing looks and Jericho trumpet dive bombing siren. Designed as dive bomber with a unique inverted gull-wing and fixed spatted undercarriage...
  5. GSNadmin

    Drones to Perform During Super Bowl Half-Time Show!

    This year’s Super Bowl half-time show will feature an aerial show put on by hundreds of drones! Word on the street is that Lady Gaga, who’s headlining the event this year, will use lit-up drones in her performance. The use of the drones had to be cleared by the Federal Aviation Administration...
  6. GSNadmin

    Detailing a Ziroli Beechcraft Staggerwing — Functional scale parts

    There are few 1/4-scale models of the Beechcraft Staggerwing, and the most popular RC design is the one from Nick Ziroli. It’s outline is very close to scale and it produces a great looking scale airplane. When it comes to making them look real, you need to use some scale parts and techniques...
  7. GSNadmin

    Get Organized with PVC

    Some cheap DYI tips for the workshop and field Words And Photos By Steve Mills This stand can easily hold your smaller parkflyer airplanes. As our shops and hangars fill up with projects and completed air- frames we often find ourselves tripping over our planes. You might even find yourself...
  8. GSNadmin

    Cold Weather Engine Starts — in 10 Easy Steps

    As the weather turns colder, it’s a good time to revisit some cold-engine starting techniques. Have some tips for flying in colder conditions? Leave them in the comments section! 1. Turn on your transmitter and receiver. 2. Fully open the throttle. 3. Watch for fuel in the line and cover...
  9. GSNadmin

    Road to Top Gun — Mike Gatwood’s Convair CV-440

    Wow! It’s had to believe but it that time again to start sharing our information on the newest contestants planning to compete at the 2017 Top Gun Scale Invitational help at Paradise Field in Lakeland, FL. Hosted by Frank Tiano, this year’s competition kicks off on the week of May 1 through 7...
  10. GSNadmin

    Starting your 3D Aerobatic Journey on the right foot

    Words Josh Bernstein Photos By Jon R. Barnes I remember with great clarity the first time I saw a competent 3D pilot in action, performing wild tumbles and inverted harriers and hovering within inches of the ground. My jaw hit the floor and my concept of this hobby changed forever. I was able...
  11. GSNadmin

    Knife-edge Tail Slide — Master this 3D Maneuver in four easy steps

    Over the years and with the evolution of aircraft design, aerobatic airplanes have become more maneuverable—and now they push the limits of flight! Factors like light wing loadings, large control surfaces with powerful authority, and excessive amounts of power make the “once impossible”...
  12. GSNadmin

    Venom DJI Phantom 4 Venom Pro Charger

    From Venom: DJI Phantom 4 users rejoice! Venom has you covered with our P4 Professional Charger. The Venom P4 Professional battery charger is designed to charge, cycle, or storage charge up to four DJI Phantom 4 batteries simultaneously. That is right, all four batteries get charged at the same...
  13. GSNadmin

    MaxAmps FPV Race Edition LiHV+ 1600 4S 15.2v 150C LiPos

    From MaxAmps.com: MaxAmps.com brings you the latest in LiPo battery technology with our LiHV+ Plus FPV Race Edition series. These high voltage batteries will take your high-demand FPV Racer to the next level of power and performance! The 1600HV+ 4s 15.2V battery pack has been engineered to...
  14. GSNadmin

    MiG-17 Fresco — DIY E-Jet

    Designed by Jim Young, this all built-up wood MiG-17is designed to use the Great Planes 56mm Hyperflow EDF unit and an Ammo 24-45-3790 brushless motor. This economical setup gives nice e-jet performance with a 4S 2200mAh LiPo battery pack. The outline is true to scale with the exception of...
  15. GSNadmin

    RAF Museum Tour

    Discovering Aviation in London By Dan Goldstein • Photos By Dan Goldstein, Sarah Hayes &Amp; Raf Museum Archives This Spitfire was ordered on June 9th, 1940 and went into action on October 8, 1940 with No. 609 Squadron, Middle Wallop, Hants. This past April I had the opportunity to visit...
  16. GSNadmin

    The Ultimate Slope Soarer — Foot-launchable ultralight glider

    Don’t have a tow-plane, or an airport? Try this foot-launch ultralight glider, the Archaeopteryx. Whether you are into RC slope soaring, or want a no frills glider this is too cool for words Model Airplane News - The #1 resource for RC plane and helicopter enthusiasts featuring news, videos...
  17. GSNadmin

    Installing a Dummy Rotary Engine — Dressing up my Camel — Part 1

    If you’ve been following my online Build-Along Series on the MAN website for my Sopwith Camel, then you know I have been featuring little mini projects as they pop up in the construction. Well, as Dave Platt, master scale modeler has said numerous times, “A scale model is never truly...
  18. GSNadmin

    Servos 101

    Many modelers assemble their model airplanes without ever giving a thought to their control system. They just use whatever they have, but really, this isn’t the best plan of action. To achieve the optimal performance for your aircraft, you need to use the servos best suited for your aircraft...
  19. GSNadmin

    Easy Foam Repair Tips

    Let’s face it! Accidents are bound happen, and when it comes to flying RC airplanes, the chances are that you’re going to suffer some damage to your airplane. There’s no reason, however, to trash your crash. With today’s beautiful molded foam fliers, you can get back into the air with very...
  20. GSNadmin

    RC Airplane ABCs

    If you’re new to model airplanes, there are some basic terms and definitions you need to know. Before you get too involved with the various airplanes available, let’s talk a little about the basic parts that make up any model airplane. The three main assemblies are: the fuselage, the wing, and...