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Search results

  1. GSNadmin

    Your first 2-stroke: a basic guide

    Two-stroke glow engines are by far the most popular engines used to power RC model airplanes. They are relatively inexpensive for the power they produce, they are easy to start, run and maintain, and once you learn how to properly take care of them they will last for many years. Let’s take a...
  2. GSNadmin

    Battery Talk: What the Numbers Mean

    Every now and then I get a question from someone at an RC field, and it’s nearly always the same question: “How many milliamps is that battery?” The first time I heard that, I didn’t know how to respond because the question didn’t make sense to me. So my “What do you mean?” response resulted in...
  3. GSNadmin

    35 Field & Bench Favorites

    There are a lot of tasks involved in getting our aircraft from the workbench to the flying field, and here you’ll find 35 of our favorite gadgets to make the hobby that much more fun and enjoyable. We’ve arranged them in categories, including field equipment, tools, accessories, and supplies, so...
  4. GSNadmin

    Pick your power: electric, gas or glow!

    There’s an old saying that suggests, “If in doubt, add power!” And we have to admit, there are some Model Airplane News editors who do believe there’s just no substitute for horsepower. But when it comes to selecting which kind of power system to use, many RC modelers can use a little help...
  5. GSNadmin

    Top Chargers

    Every RC pilot needs a charger, so we set out to test out some of the most popular chargers available so that you can see which one is perfect for your needs. We found that the menu structures of many of these machines are similar in design, so once you learn one you can operate just about any...
  6. GSNadmin

    Radio Fundamentals: fly better with dual rates, expo & mixing

    The goal here is to discuss the three primary features of our radios that will help us when we fly. This article is intended for new and intermediate fliers. The three features we are going to review are rates, exponential, and mixing. LET’S GET STARTED First of all, when holding your radio...
  7. GSNadmin

    10 Radio Setup Secrets

    The devil is in the details. After installing your servos according the manufacturer’s directions, you might find that when the servo arm is placed on the spline, it isn’t at a perfect right angle to the servo casing. Or, after you’ve hooked up the various linkages, you discover there is too...
  8. GSNadmin

    10 Budget Radios

    These feature-rich radios won’t break the bank! Flysky i6 6 CHANNELS The i6 front looks clean and uncrowded, yet all of the sticks, programming keys, knobs, and toggle switches are within easy reach. This transmitter is a bit smaller than others, is lightweight, and feels balanced and easy...
  9. GSNadmin

    10 Terrific First Planes

    From our sister publication Electric Flight’s annual Buyer’s Guide, these 10 trainers are best best for first-flight success. HobbyZone Sportsman S+ This plane lands by itself! In fact, with its SAFE Plus technology, all phases of flight—from takeoff to landing—become worry-free to...
  10. GSNadmin

    Anatomy of First Person View (FPV)

    Once you get involved with RC airplanes, it doesn’t take long for you to hear the term “FPV,” and many have already discovered how much fun this onboard video feature can be. The acronym “FPV” stands for “First-Person View,” and the equipment needed to enjoy that “from the cockpit” video...
  11. GSNadmin

    First Flight Success

    Learning to fly is always easier and more fun with the aid of an experienced instructor. He will help you avoid those first few beginner mistakes and will help your airplane live a lot longer. The Sportsman S+ RTF with SAFE Technology from Hobby Zone is one of the new generation trainer/sport...
  12. GSNadmin

    Center of Gravity Basics

    After checking your engine performance and the radio operation, always make sure that your model is properly balanced before your first flight. It happens too often, unfortunately: Someone with a brand new airplane shows up at the field and has everything working perfectly. The radio checks out...
  13. GSNadmin

    Fuel Systems Made Easy

    Radio control model airplanes rely on two basic systems to fly, the radio system and the power system (excluding gliders). Whether you have a nitro-burning glow engine or a high-octane, gasoline-sipping powerplant, if your engine loses its fuel supply, you’ll find yourself in a dead-stick...
  14. GSNadmin

    Radio Programming Made Easy

    There are some basic radio programming features that all pilots should know to improve their airplane’s performance, and they can be used on any airplane to make flying more enjoyable. When these features are used and programmed correctly, you will experience a faster rate of learning and better...
  15. GSNadmin

    Cool RC Stuff

    ROCKY RIDES AGAIN! Bet you can’t watch this video without laughing out loud! Hilarity ensues when an unsuspecting squirrel gets into the cockpit of an RC plane! Thanks to YouTube’s Hobbywars for producing and posting this nicely done piece, complete with terrific “in-air” footage of Rocky in...
  16. GSNadmin

    Rocky flies again!

    Bet you can’t watch this video without laughing out loud! Hilarity ensues when an unsuspecting squirrel gets into the cockpit of an RC plane! Thanks to YouTube’s Hobbywars for producing and posting this nicely done piece, complete with terrific “in-air” footage of Rocky in flight. Model...
  17. GSNadmin

    4 Great Tips

    These easy workshop tips are guaranteed to make your modeling time easier. Have a tip of your own? Send it to MAN@airage.com and you might even see it published in the magazine! (And we’ll send you a sweet Model Airplane News baseball cap!) Easy Epoxy Remover Sometimes there is a real need...
  18. GSNadmin

    Your Guide to FPV Antennas

    Welcome to the wonderful world of antennas, its language and culture; to the aperture family (effective and scattering), the lobe family (main, side, back, and grating); to beam widths, directivity, and gain. Antennas are three-dimensional and live in a world of beam area, steradians, square...
  19. GSNadmin

    Build a Custom Battery Tray

    Slide in tray…so easy! Words And Photos By Kevin Siemonsen Basically, this is all that is needed to complete this custom sliding battery tray. I was asked by a fellow RC’er to assemble his 3W Extra 330. Being an accomplished modeler with enough experience that I actually feel old when I...
  20. GSNadmin

    The Great RC Cover-up — Hiding RC Gear in Scale Airplanes

    After spending hundreds of hours, or more, building a giant-scale RC airplane, modelers can easily invest in many more hours adding all the great scale details. The amount of work involved can include just about anything like adding a instrument panel and a pilot figure and seat, or it can...