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Search results

  1. GSNadmin

    E-flite UMX P-51D and P-47 Warbirds Overview and Action

    We got our grubby mitts on these two new Ultra Micro hot rods and while the weather gods have given us plenty of dry days in the northeast (too many in fact), the winds were up on our test day. This only allowed the two AS3X equipped fighters to fully flex their muscle and see what they could...
  2. GSNadmin

    Horizon Hobby Releases The Convergence VTOL

    Horizon had been teasing the RC world for the past week with a new aircraft that would be “like no other” they had ever released to date. Well, they let the cat out of the bag today and it looks pretty darn impressive. The Convergence will be offered in both BNF or PNP and the price is nice as...
  3. GSNadmin

    X1 Nano – Multi-chemistry Battery Charging Unit

    Plug in and Charge! Hitec’s X1 Nano is the economical battery charging companion for all hobbyists. Simply plug in the AC power cord to a standard 100-240 volt outlet and you are ready to successfully charge all popular battery chemistries in a snap. With a charge circuit power of 50 watts, this...
  4. GSNadmin

    VIDEO: Avios Zazzy Sport Airplane

    In a celebration of the return of the sport airplane, the January 2017 issue of FlyRC Magazine takes a close-up look at this new model from Avios. With a freshly charged Turnigy Graphene 4S 4000mAh pack instaleld in the Zazzy, we cut our in-house 3D and aerobatic pilot extraordinaire Josh...
  5. GSNadmin

    Dynamic Soaring

    A slope racing plane is launched from Grass Mountain in Southern California. While these are fast planes, nothing beats a dynamic soaring aircraft. Check out this valley! Awesome! For those of you who have been keeping up with this Soaring column, you might remember that I said that sailplanes...
  6. GSNadmin

    Dromida Voyager: Flying Made REALLY Easy

    The Voyager is the perfect plane for pilots just starting out, because it exhibits slow, docile flight characteristics and comes preassembled with everything included. The 4-channel radio delivers positive rudder, elevator and throttle control. Details such as wheel pants and panel lines add...
  7. GSNadmin

    Perry Swap Meet 2016

    Warner Robins Air Force Base, about 30 minutes from Perry, is a dream come true for documenting scale modeling projects or just drooling over their amazing collection. This B-1B Lancer is just a teaser for what awaits inside and around the buildings. Over 1,000 tables sold to modelers and the...
  8. GSNadmin

    Castle Creations is Having a Month Long Savings Event Rebate Program

    Castle Creations is hosting an amazing savings event for the entire month of September with rebate offers available for several surface, air, and multirotor products. Castle Creations is offering rebates on products such as the Sidewinder 3, the Sidewinder SCT, the Mamba Monster 2, the QuadPack...
  9. GSNadmin

    The Great Fall Rebate on over 40 O.S. and Futaba items

    The Great FALL Rebate has arrived! With over 40 O.S. and Futaba items to choose from, now’s the time to buy the O.S. Engine or Futaba Radio system you’ve always wanted. Purchase an eligible item featured below between now and September 30, 2016, and receive a merchandise certificate to use on...
  10. GSNadmin

    5 Budget Tips & Tricks

    These five easy tips are sure to make your modeling life easier, and they don’t cost a dime! TIE UP THOSE LOOSE ENDS If one of your model’s control servo connectors become unplugged during flight, at best, you’re going to have a really tough time getting it back on the ground in one piece. At...
  11. GSNadmin

    Battle of Britain Fighter

    This warbird has been flying for six years and has made 90 flights! Built by John Veasey, this 1/4.5-scale Hawker Hurricane was the prototype for the Tony Nijhuis line of Hurricane kits. Featuring all built-up construction with a fiberglass cowl and formed canopy, this 103-inch-span RC fighter...
  12. GSNadmin

    AXi Cyclone Electric Motors

    From Esprit Tech: Esprit Tech is introducing a brand new line of lightweight Inrunner/outrunner brushless motors that come with pre-installed cooling fans and triple ball-bearing support. The new AXi’s Cyclone electric motors are particularly suited for use in electric powered gliders due to low...
  13. GSNadmin

    Installing a Dummy Rotary Engine — A great WW1 RC Engine cover up.

    After finishing my recent project, the 1/4-scale Sopwith Camel, I test flew it and trimmed it out so it was performing really well, but it just did not look right without a scale rotary engine to fill that big round cowling. Starting with a molded, fiberglass dummy rotary from Balsa USA, I...
  14. GSNadmin

    How To Repair a Fiberglass Engine Cowl

    The great thing about almost ready to fly airplanes is that for the most part, they come with great looking fiberglass engine cowls that fit beautifully and often are painted at the factory. The general method of attachment to the fuselage is the use of through-the-cowl screws making assembly...
  15. GSNadmin

    Honoring Veterans Day

    Since our nation’s founding, the men and women of our military have protected our lives, our freedoms and the Constitution. Veterans are the backbone of these United States of America, and we appreciate your service. Model Airplane News - The #1 resource for RC plane and helicopter enthusiasts...
  16. GSNadmin

    Tips for Light and Strong Repairs — Quick Fixes for your Giant Scale Airplane

    Over the years, I’ve seen many giant-scale airplanes suffer a structural failure that ended with damage that ended the flying for that day. I have experienced a few situations myself. Recently, while flying my 30cc DHC-2 Beaver, a wheel collar came loose and I experienced a rough, aborted...
  17. GSNadmin

    Horizon Hobby #MannequinChallenge [VIDEO]

    From Horizon Hobby: A look inside Horizon Hobby HQ and Distribution Center with the #MannequinChallenge! Let’s see your #MannequinChallenge!! Visit HorizonHobby.com Model Airplane News - The #1 resource for RC plane and helicopter enthusiasts featuring news, videos, product releases and tech...
  18. GSNadmin


    The vertical S combines a half-inside loop with a half-outside loop to perform an S-shaped figure. This maneuver is one of many that are also performed by full-scale aircraft, and it is used to climb or descend at a consistent speed. The airplane should be balanced in a manner that when rolled...
  19. GSNadmin

    Workshop Tips

    You asked for ’em, we’ve got ’em! Here are four terrific shop tips you can use this weekend to make your time in the workshop easier and more enjoyable. Don’t forget to send us your favorite tip! SMOOTH OPERATOR Razor saws are handy for cutting various materials, but their teeth sometimes...
  20. GSNadmin

    Veterans Day & Me: A Personal Essay

    Although Veterans Day has the stated purpose of remembering the vets and those in uniform, in reality it means different things to different people. For some it is the half-off sales that surround us. For me, it reminds me of one of those could-of-should-ofs that will always haunt me: I never...