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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    3DHS 44" Slick 580 on 4s!!

    Oh yes we must spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage spamage...
  2. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    True enough kind of a no brainier really, but you have to consider those who don't have deep pockets. Lets face it dude those batteries are expensive. I will say though it is one of those times where you get what you pay for and I could not be happier.
  3. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Got a set for my Trex 700 that Heli was a beast on Pulse 65C 5000's Freaking thing is Supper Beast on Steroids now. Very happy with these new packs for sure. Im going to follow suit with ya and start phasing out my old TP packs, it's time anyway there getting pretty old.
  4. Bushwacker

    Redwingrc 30cc extra prop size

    Love the sound of a prop bashing air molecules into submission.
  5. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC 50cc Extra 330sc Model Aviation Magazine Article!

    Yeah and now they have new 2016 models with new color schemes. Not too sure I like the price @ over $600 though. I thought the $559 price tag was a much more competitive price, it sure made it oh so very attractive to me anyway.
  6. Bushwacker

    Jets Jets and more Jets

    I wouldn't do glow either. I would start out with electric and see how I like it first then if I did which I suspect I probably would...Well the sky is the limit as they say from there. I am pretty fond of the scale fighter jets.
  7. Bushwacker

    Gotta start somewhere!!

    Hey Tim do you have any idea's on how to beef up the landing gear mount on the 48 inchers. Man if you come down even a little bit to hard these things break in the fuselage and repairs are a nightmare. It's really to bad to man cuz I love my 48 Extra-EXP/Edge 540T-EXP. I know I know learn how to...