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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    Aerobeez So at the start of this thread you guys listed this Our MXS-R in the video is a electric conversion. Motor: Hacker A60-6XS ESC: Hitec Sport 80 Battery: Thunder Power 6S 5000Mah 40c What prop were you using? I kind of like this setup.
  2. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 64" 20% Scale Electric Conversion MXS-R At Joe Nall 2015

    Well the FedEx dude just dropped off my MSXR...WoW man Aerobeez that was fast guys. Thanks much for that. There's just something about this plane, I look at it and it just looks pissed off like it's gona kick your arse. Mean! Love it and will be a great addition sitting next to the Slick Pro...
  3. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    LMAO Noteddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd I really am...You don't know how bad I want to get out and grip and rip and watch this thing do it's thing. I take it back you guys of all guys would know. Everyone here would.
  4. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    LOL Im trying to bud. Trying to sneak away from work. Gona have to play hooky I guess.
  5. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    I have some real nice PureTechs and some good ol Align's. I wondered about the rudder to, but did as suggested here and did a dry fit first. There is so much room if needed. I all worked out well.
  6. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Well Guys, This is what it looks like with 2 6S packs installed. Happy!
  7. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 2015 Father's Day Sale Has Started!

    +100 Nater & Biper Boys... :) It really does make a difference to have your presence here and to be this active, or should I say proactive. Thats what you guys have been "Proactive" instead of reactive. Big difference and it makes a difference. Cheers back at ya and thank you guys and girls if...
  8. Bushwacker

    Parallel Charging Pros and Cons

    PRC_Robin thanks for explaining I just didn't have the energy.
  9. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 26% MXSR

    That blue msx isn't even in production any longer is it? Love the looks of that plane. Almost as much as my new one on its way. :thumbup:
  10. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 26% MXSR

    Lucky guy and good friend. Nice brother.
  11. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 2015 Father's Day Sale Has Started!

    OMG that just isn't fair and if I were standing next to you I would sock you right on the arm. :cursing: :tongue: J/K man. It would be more like a love tap. :lovestruck: