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  1. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    The smallest ones I have are some Thor 45C 6S 3300's. I run those in my 600 Heli. It's a split pack so taking them off the battery tray will be no big deal. The rest of them go up from there.
  2. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Humm well guess we will see what happens.
  3. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    So your saying it doesn't matter what I put in it, still going to weigh the same?
  4. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Yeah Aerobeez fly's on 6S and I think the reason is because that would be the norm for this type aircraft and the masses. Plus I know it will do very well on that setup as do you. Personally I like making things different from others and not so much part of the norm. Putting more power to this...
  5. Bushwacker

    3DHS 72" Extra - Motrolfly 4330-206kv on 12S

    Looked like it started to pull real hard once the prop got some traction.
  6. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Aerobeez What exactly was your setup on the 70" Slick Pro Motor was Hacker A60 6XS on 6S ESC ? Servos ? and how do you think things would be on 8S 10S or a 12S setup?
  7. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 300 EXP

    Absolutely I will send you some linkage brother. Your into it now hugh? BTW do you run the Demon Aero Cortex on any of your stuff?
  8. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 300 EXP

    Aerobeez so what do you fellas say. What exactly was your setup on 70" Slick Pro and how do you think things would be on 8S 10S or a 12S setup? Think they will answer this question or am I posting this in the wrong board? Maybe I should just go to the Aerobeez board and post this, what do ya...
  9. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 300 EXP

    No 6S 3700/4500/5000 45C to 65C
  10. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 300 EXP

    Im running the Motrolfly 4320-450 on my Vyper and your right it does stay cool and I like the power with Xoar 17x10 for speed/precision flying and 18.8 for slower 3D stuff. I have it connected to a FTW Gecko 125A.
  11. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Agreed the setup Aerobeez is flying with looks to be more than enough and is probably where I will go with mine. Still... doesn't hurt to entertain other options, by nature we are a bunch of guy's that like to tinker aren't we :) I will know for sure what Im going to do once I get it here and...
  12. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Humm think you might have something there Express...Good call man.
  13. Bushwacker

    3DHS and Extreme Flight Merger?

    lol welcome back :)
  14. Bushwacker

    Discussion Advice from those in the know...

    LMAO Good catch there man...:veryshocked:
  15. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Nater your right on track with what Im thinking. Plus this isn't going to be built so much for speed rather torque. Keeping it light and floaty yet have the power as well. Finding that balance between the two. Keeping things cool down slow. Not alot of air getting pushed over the motor/esc down...
  16. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Nice man. Ive been considering 8S or 12, but I think 12 would be too much weight.
  17. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 300 EXP

    Thats what I kept hearing and reading about the EF - rudder control - and alot of people were saying they couldn't seem to get enough power in the EF 78" extra without it getting to heavy. Your two for two... I am thinking 8S might be the ticket. Was also thinking 12S, but that may be to much...
  18. Bushwacker

    Need some advice

    Hey Thrash this thread should probably go on the scratchbuild board bud. I know your new to this stuff brother so no worries. 3DMIKE can and will probably move it. I will get with you and explain better tomorrow bud. Good questions though man. Both of us are thinking of building some kind of...
  19. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Express are you going to run it on 6S or 12S Just ordered mine and haven't decided on what motor to go with yet.