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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    Eflite Beast 60e

    Well this is disappointing. Is there a Bipe out there that is good?
  2. Bushwacker


    If I can make it we need to hook up so can actually meet one an other.
  3. Bushwacker

    3DHS 60" Yak-55

    Very nice flying. That Yak looks I must say awfully nice, really like that scheme.
  4. Bushwacker

    E-Flite Beast 60e

    Anyone own or fly the Beast 60e and if so can you tell me about it please. Nevermind I found some good info here. http://3drcforums.com/showthread.php?1896-Eflite-Beast-60e
  5. Bushwacker


    Wow crew....umm not cool... 3DMIKE I would love to go and Im am trying to set the time to do it.
  6. Bushwacker


    Yeah looks that way. Thanks man.
  7. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC Pilot Joe Smith Flies For the Prince of Dubai!!!

    You know what I think is the best thing of all out of this. Joe and his father getting to share in these adventures making memories that will last a lifetime for each of them and those around them as well. That my friends is the shiznit and I hope you guys get to keep doing it for as long as you...
  8. Bushwacker


    Hey Mike does it usually take this long for a reply? Even emailed them a few day's ago bro. :)
  9. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC Pilot Joe Smith Flies For the Prince of Dubai!!!

    Oh man you should see some heli pilots...Even more dangerous, a blade from my 700 would cut you in half. How often do you hear of such a accident though? Joe = Awesomeness though as a pilot.
  10. Bushwacker


    You are joking I hope?
  11. Bushwacker

    ChinaHobby Batteries

    Nice thanks guys. Think I'll have to try some out.
  12. Bushwacker

    ChinaHobby Batteries

    Does anyone run these batteries and if so how do you like them. Do they hold up well and how would you compare them to other batteries you have had? Im looking for some 6s 5000 mhA batts and when I saw there prices they got pretty attractive. :)
  13. Bushwacker


    @3DHS Can you tell us when you will have the 89" AJ Slick and the 87" Extra SHP back in stock? PLEASE! :bouncy:
  14. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Thanks fella's. Got say Im as hooked now as when I started flying Heli's. Can't hardly wait to build my next plane. So let me ask you guys this. If I swap the 17x10 prop I have on there now for a 18x8 that will give me a bit more on bottom end of things right? Pretty sure those are the two props...
  15. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Oh yeah baby! That was fun. Ran 2 packs through and starting to dial it in. It was a bit nose heavy, but not bad. Moved the battery back some on the second pack and it was much closer. Weird thing is I didn't need to trim the ailerons or rudder at all. Im going to see if I can just move the...
  16. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Going to try and get out today. Work has me hopping pretty good right now, owners will be in town soon and I have a crap load of crap to get done. :)
  17. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Bloosee Was thinking the same thing.
  18. Bushwacker

    suppo 7035/8

    Well that pages say's it's Recommended Model Weight is up to 48.5lbs (22kg) and I just checked a 3DHS 106" Edge 540 weighs (RTF): 23-28 lbs. Don't know anything about the motor so cant help ya there. If it can do what it say's well then it should be able to handle something like the 126" AJ...
  19. Bushwacker

    Wood pieces

    heh I was going to say they look like gussets.
  20. Bushwacker

    Which of all the 50cc is most stable

    I do appreciate this guy's. Im having a war between what I should do to become a better pilot and oh wow that plane looks so cool. To me the extra looks better, the slick looks awesome to don't get wrong. But I also really love the looks of the Ultimate 20-300 Biplane. Been told the Biplane is...