70cc twin V2
I highly doubt the 60's will fit. I think I'm going to be stuck with just enough power with the twin 40's or cut up the cowls and have an ugly cylinder hanging out the bottom with a pair of 60's. The twin 60's I'm sure would be too wide.That's really not too bad. Considering its size. I keep thinking back to my old Lanier Extra 300 from eons ago. Heck, my buddy was the boss of the fields with his old and heavy Zenoas and the old early and massively heavy mighty dub engines. (Give you an idea how long ago that was? Lol) That was just right before I got my first ZDZ 80cc online twin. I equipped my Lanier Extra with a Moki 3.6 inline twin. Basically, a 60cc glow motor. You remember those right? By my standards now, it was not so big at 102" wing span. But heavier than a 747-400. 36 pounds at take off. It is crazy to think that we would fly a 35% airplane such as a pilot 107" Edge with a 60 cc motor. Heck, most of the 35% planes come in around 28 to 31 pounds. That said, my Lanier extra flew really well with that moki twin up front. It wasn't great vertical by no stretch of the imagination. But it flew it pretty nice. But then again, I only had 102 inches hangin' in the air. You'll have a 148 inches out stretched. Too bad the 60 twins wont fit your cowls. Or will they??
You're right though. Folks used to fly things like this with a pair of .90 Supertigers and lifted off with their fingers crossed while saying a prayer. I would think a pair of 40's probably produce a combined 40 lbs of thrust, which really should be enough.
I'm aiming for a 45 lb airplane...