70cc twin V2
Fully BNF or will sell airframe and engine
Airframe and DLE-222 only $2,750
BNF $4,750
All BNF equipment has only 2 flights and were new
11- MKS HV777 high voltage high torque servos
1- Powerbox Champion SRS
2- Futaba R7008SB receivers
11- SWB servo arms
2- Tech Aero IBEC ignition kill switches.
1- Powerbox Smoke Pump
2- 1.5 liter tanks, one fuel and one smoke
2- Pulse 5000 mah 7.4 RX batteries
1- Falcon 32X12 CF Propeller
1- 6" CF Spinner
Heavy duty 20 AWG servo extensions with braided sleeving