You'll have it memorized after 5 or 6 practice flights, trust me, you will. A caller is helpful in the meantime and definitely a must during a contest. With the combination of nervousness and extreme concentration on each maneuver during a contest flight, you will sometimes, not often, just forget where the hell you are in the sequence. At least I do. A good caller will save your butt.ExtraJohn said
Thanks for putting those out there, it makes learning the language easier. But where do guys keep the sheet when your flying, I was thinking some sort of mini copy mounted to the transmitter or sleeve to glance at? Or is it easy enough to remember after flying it enough times you just sort of know it?
I have never tried any type of "formal" flying, so I'm really not sure what to expect.
It may be easier to learn a couple maneuvers at a time. get them down and then add another until you can pretty much fly a sequence. But like robotech said. When you step up to the plate you forget everything!! LOL That's why you get a caller!!!ExtraJohn said
Thanks for putting those out there, it makes learning the language easier. But where do guys keep the sheet when your flying, I was thinking some sort of mini copy mounted to the transmitter or sleeve to glance at? Or is it easy enough to remember after flying it enough times you just sort of know it?
I have never tried any type of "formal" flying, so I'm really not sure what to expect.