Staff member

This is a BEAUTIFUL field located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
Lucy sure put in the work for this one for me! Big thanks to you! She went and talked to Tom Hammer himself and got a little info about the event and club as well.
Lucy asked questions such as, when was the club established? 1976.
Who is the Event coordinator? Dale Locander
She asked a little about the event and what was likely to be seen at this event. The response was that this is a fun fly event, fly what you brought, with two exceptions~ no helis and no 3d! Tom also stated that this event has been going on for 20 years and use to be just a fun fly and now it seems that there are more warbirds at this event then anything! GOTTA LOVE THEM WAR BIRDS!

As of the morning that Lucy was there, there was already 31 registered pilots, and no telling how many more was coming. Maybe she found out more? Who knows. Lets see what happens and what kind of info we see in this post!
Once again, I would like to thank Just Lucy and Thurmma for the pictures and info from this event! Now lets sit back and see what this event was all about. SPOILER alert! I've seen a few pictures, and WOW!
Big thank you as well to Dale Locander and the Dawn Patrol Squadron for a great event, and Tom Hammer for talking to Lucy!
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