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Scale 20cc Edge 540 Profile “The Glitter”

I personally vote heck no too them as I think they look horrible. Also experience says from building and flying a 44” electric version, 56” nitro version, and a 55cc gas version tells me it will not need them. Focus on building light and you will be rewarded with a light yet strong amazing flying airframe. Though I warn the glitter isn’t for everyone as it can be one wild and crazy ride.

I hear what your sayin! I'll probably build the mounts in, and try it both ways to see what I like better. I know the ProX really benefits from them. Hopefully the Glitter is a beast without them!
Got a little more work done!


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Changed my other mind! I'm going to leave the SFG's off of this one and go with stock wings. Working on wing #1, or the right wing, and got ahead of myself. I didn't open up rib 1 and 2 for wire access, but It's not a big deal to dermal them out now. Now I just have to configure the equipment access hatch.


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Looks good. LE sheeting only needed to go to the sub spar though and TE only needed to be able an inch wide. Wont affect anything just adds a little weight and maybe a little stronger.
Looks good. LE sheeting only needed to go to the sub spar though and TE only needed to be able an inch wide. Wont affect anything just adds a little weight and maybe a little stronger.

Thanks Balsa! I was thinking about that once I put that trailing edge piece on! I'm using 1/16" sheeting, and was thinking I should have used something a tad thicker. 1/16 is a bit soft. What is recommended?


640cc Uber Pimp
@Stevendavis all looks good but weight is going to have an impact on your plane. From @BalsaDust and few others this size of a plane and engine size the ideal weight is seven lbs or less. As you know my ribs were made from 3/32 balsa and everything else on the wing 1/16 and I mean everything. My final weight came in at 6 lbs 15 oz and when I put the small aluminum spinner on the front I was just 1/2 oz over 7 lbs. it was difficult to keep the plane at 7 lbs. but I have not flown the plane as of today but it will be interesting to see how it handles at that weight. The pro 260 I have is considerably heavier and has some characteristics that I really dislike and that is the reason why I build this plane and my belief is because of its weight. It cannot fly at a high alpha without a lot of wing rock.
@Stevendavis all looks good but weight is going to have an impact on your plane. From @BalsaDust and few others this size of a plane and engine size the ideal weight is seven lbs or less. As you know my ribs were made from 3/32 balsa and everything else on the wing 1/16 and I mean everything. My final weight came in at 6 lbs 15 oz and when I put the small aluminum spinner on the front I was just 1/2 oz over 7 lbs. it was difficult to keep the plane at 7 lbs. but I have not flown the plane as of today but it will be interesting to see how it handles at that weight. The pro 260 I have is considerably heavier and has some characteristics that I really dislike and that is the reason why I build this plane and my belief is because of its weight. It cannot fly at a high alpha without a lot of wing rock.

Thanks Snoop!!
I know I'm probably making a few mistakes on this one. The next one will be better, once I figure out every thing I need to change on this build. I'm in the process of putting together an assembly manual, to work every thing out. I'm hoping to at least keep it below 7.5 lbs. If I do that, I think I'll still enjoy the way it flys. I'm also thinking of making the elevator and rudder a tad smaller on the next one. The Walls, High Alfa Rolls, and tight Knife Edge loos are ok on my ProX. Wing rock is the biggest issue. My buddy has a ProX as well, and his doesn't do walls very well. Don't know what the difference is, but mine does them very well. Can't wait until you can give some flight feed back,,,, any time soon??