GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey Guys: We are proud to announce the all new 30cc Extra 330sc!
It will feature a lightweight frame with generous control surfaces - carbon fiber accessories and reinforcement and the high quality you've come ot expect from Redwing RC.
We have the prototype videoed and will have that up soon as well as the product page. Stay tuned to our site, as well as be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for updates:
Here are the scheme's we are going with for this beautiful plane. Expect them finish to be exceptional! We will be doing a fade on the cowl from metallic blue to black. The blue on the plane will be in a metallic covering as well!
We are looking at if we'll be able to make it accommodate the 40cc DLE.
We'll also have a link up soon that you can put your deposit and hold one of these. Only 15 of each color to start with so the first batch will probably only last a month or so.
These are due LATE february to MIDDLE March 2014
It will feature a lightweight frame with generous control surfaces - carbon fiber accessories and reinforcement and the high quality you've come ot expect from Redwing RC.
We have the prototype videoed and will have that up soon as well as the product page. Stay tuned to our site, as well as be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for updates:
Here are the scheme's we are going with for this beautiful plane. Expect them finish to be exceptional! We will be doing a fade on the cowl from metallic blue to black. The blue on the plane will be in a metallic covering as well!

We'll also have a link up soon that you can put your deposit and hold one of these. Only 15 of each color to start with so the first batch will probably only last a month or so.
These are due LATE february to MIDDLE March 2014