Well, it flew pretty good. They say it flys good in wind, well the wind around here treated it like a leaf

. It rolls incredibly fast, it locks in to harrier pretty good, I haven't been able to make it do a knife edge spin as shown in the Cody video. Also the coupling issues (that don't exist on my Crack Laser) have me a little disappointed. It pulls to the gear (the exact same way) on both Left and Right side Knife edge passes. I might be a little spoiled with my Laser, but I will say coupling want a issue on my V1 (hand cut) TH Extra Slick.
I also tried to run a 2S setup, but with the servos located on the tail it wont allow my 350mah packs to balance the plane. It's tail heavy (packs forward on the nose) and I am using tiny servos for the elevator and rudder, so I run 3S
I am sure I will get used to the plane, however I just didn't fall in love with the MSX-C the same way I did with the Crack Laser. For me I feel the Lazer is just a better plane, with that said, I am a fairly new pilot and cant make the MSX fly like the pros can. Asking me to give a fair review isn't really fair to the plane. In Cody's video (the teaser) clearly shows it can out perform the Laser. So again, please don't take my word for it.